February 20, 2014

Which of these bedding sets is higher quality?




ALso I purchased this bench off ebay because I had planned to get the Farina bedding and thought it would be a nice pop of color but now I'm not so sure..http://www.ebay.com/itm/330603941156?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_500wt_1287

Im going for a masquerade kidn of bedroom

They're both polyester bed sets, I have to say I like the purple one a lot. So in terms of quality , they are the same, however I think the purple has more fullness to it.
I don't care for the bench at all. It wouldn't look right with the purple set and you would have to add that same aqua color in accent pillows otherwise you just get this clash of color with nothing really tying it all in.

I need some cheap, easy ways to re-decorate my bedroom. Any ideas?


For my 15th birthday next month, I didn't really want anything, so I decided to ask my mom if I could re-decorate my bedroom. It's been white since I was born, and I want something different. I know I'm painting it purple, and all of my furniture is black and white, and I already have some ideas for what I'll do. Like I'm going to make all of my pictures of my friends, family and I, black and white and put them on one small wall as sort of a collage of some sort. But what else could I do? I prefer it to be a theme, such as purple, black and white, and I think I'll stick with it. I have my bedspread already, which is also, black and white, any more ideas?

Purple, black, and white is also the theme in my bedroom! :) Well you said you already have nice furniture and a nice bed set, so thats a great start. Now maybe instead of painting all of your walls purple, maybe you could only paint one wall purple, such as the one your bed goes against. This would be a really cool way to make your bed the focal point of the room. BUT, if you decide to paint the whole thing purple, go for it. Just not something too dark, that would be just too much.
I like your idea of all of the pictures too. It will look nice as well as give your room a personalization of you! Now you didnt mention anything about your carpets. Maybe you could get a nice little area rug to put in front of your bed or in the middle of your room. Something like this would be cool::
The options are endless. Since you already have the furniture, the bed, the rug, and the paint decided, the rest is really up to your imagination. Have fun arranging your room in a way that makes you feel comfortable in it. You also didnt mention wether or not you have a couch or what kind of furniture you have. If you dont have a couch or something like that, a really cool idea is to get some bean bag chairs. One or two and throw them around your room. Theyre cheap, comfortable, and come in all different colors to match your room!

Also just remember one thing:: keep everything neat and organizied! This will make your room look so much better.
Like I said, my room is also themed black, white, and purple, so Ill let you know what Ive got so maybe you can get some ideas from me.
-A queen sized bed with a purple silk bed set. MANY black, white, and purple pillows on it.
-A black loveseat and I made 2 purple throw pillows for it.
-Entertainment center with three black framed art pictures on top.
-I have a black and purple curtain for my closet.
-Some things I put around my room and on my end tables are a purple lava lamp, a purple-blueish oil burner, black alarm clock, black lamp with a black and purple lamp shade.
AND one thing I absolutely adore in my room is my black and white poster of leonardo dicaprio framed with a black frame!

I hope I helped and gave you a bunch of ideas! Have Fun!

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