April 08, 2014

how did the hotel know we smoked in the room?


this may seem like a dumb questions, but I stayed in a hotel for 2 nights and both nights my boyfriend smoked in the room a few times, but he cracked the window and smoked by the window. to be honest, the room didn't smell like smoke whatsoever. I'm a non-smoker, so I would have been able to pick up on it. The thing is, we didn't set off the smoke alarm, and nobody like the maid or any workers came in our room. Then when I went to check out the lady at the desk said they were going to charge a 300 dollar fee for smoking in the room. how could they have known this? I mean he pretty much smoked the cigarette out the window and he put a towel under the bedroom door. (we had a bedroom and living room 2 room suite type thing.) so he wasn't even smoking in the room that had the door that was the entrance to the room.

They accused me of this before even checking the room, so how did they know?
the maid never came in our room.
and our room was on the side of the building, i doubt anyone saw it.

I recently made the same mistake, and was charged $500!! A manger entered our room as soon as we left, which we noticed as we were waiting for the elevator. We only smoked a little pot, which isn't as potent, but our guess is that a manger or customer walked by coincidentally at the same time. Even if you towel the door, smoke can get out. Also, smoke rises. The problem is that there is no good reason to argue an accusation like this, because all hotel "chains" have lawyers that would destroy the average person. So i guess, a hunch is all they need! needless to say, we were irate!!!

moving out at 17 tips?

Q. i want to live in LA at 17, i need to know anything that would help, living costs, food budgets, living safley, saving money, cooking, rent.ect.......

When you get an apartment, they usually require you to be 18 or older. Also, you have to have a credit history, which you wont have at 17. Also, you have to pay a deposit of 2 months rent when you sign the contract. A one bedroom apartment in a safe neighborhood in LA will be about $1,700 a month. So that's $3400 the day you move in. The cost of furnishing a 1brdm apartment is about $4,000 if you buy used furniture.
So you would need to show up with $7400 just to have a place to stay.

Food for one person is about $500 a month (assuming you cook and not eat out, eating out would be about $900 a month.)
Electric bill- $120
Water bill- $50
Internet/Phone bill- $85
Tv bill- $50
Renters insurance (everywhere requires it)- $50
Cleaning supplies (dish soap, laundry detergent, ect)- $50
Toiletries (paper towels, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, ect)- $50
Gas for vehicle- minimum $150
Car insurance- $120

That's $2,925 a month, and it only includes basics. Add in other common expenses if you want-
Health insurance- $250
Car payment- $200
clothes/haircuts- $75
Going to movies, clubs, ect- $75
Maintenance on your car- $75

Remember stuff will always go wrong, so you'll need to have a few hundred dollars in an emergency fund. Tires go flat, car batteries go out, you get sick and need to go to the doctor, ect..
If you don't have money laying around to take care of these things you can find yourself up a creek.

Remember at 17 you probably aren't going to get a job making much more than minimum wage,
if you work full time minimum wage you earn a little less than $1,000 a month after taxes. Thats alot less than living expenses, so I hope your parents are helping you out?

Also, at 17 you cannot set up a utility bill contract, a cell phone bill contract, renters insurance, car insurance, buy a car, or anything else on your own. You will have to have a co-signer because it is illegal for anyone under 18 to sign a contract.

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