April 09, 2014

Are these cottages overpriced?

Just a sma

They're in Cavendish (central) Prince Edward Island, Canada. They have 3 bedrooms (2 with queens and one with a bunk bed), a living room, a kitchen, a wrap around deck with a view of the ocean, and a bathroom with a tub and a shower. The cottage comes loaded with common household appliance, utensils, dishes, towels, and soaps. It has a BBQ, lawn chairs, and a picnic table. It's in the National Park, and is 150 yards away from the white sandy beach. It's a 5 minute walk to golf courses, amusement and water parks, Anne Of Green Gables house, the shopping center, restaurants, Ripleys Believe It Or Not, a wax museum, and a coffee shop. They charge 215 dollars a night. Is this over priced?

As they sleep 6 people and are within walking distance of several attractions, I do not think they are excessive, but I would look around more if you go for budget.
$36 per person is hotel rates in my view, but the things they offer seem to be that level of comfort.
If you stay with fewer people the price per person goes up, in that case it will soon be cheaper to stay in a hotel.

Do you have any fun facts about the Tudors/their spouses?

Q. For a powerpoint presentation... Here's what I have so far:

-Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard supposedly haunt the Tower of London
-Ann Boleyn had 6 fingers on her right hand
-One of the men she was falsely accused of adultery with was her own brother
-It is speculated that Henry VIIIâs cause of death was syphilis
-By age 54, Henry VIII was so obese, he had to be carried everywhere by sedan chair

Henry VII was the first Tudor king. He married Elizabeth of York, the daughter of Edward VI to make his reign legal. He is also said to have had a part in the murder of the Princes in the Tower, the sons of Edward IV & legimate heirs to the throne. Their murders have been blamed on Richard III, their uncle because of Shakespeare's play but the evidence doesn't bear this out. Two skeletons were found in 1674 & presumed to be theirs. The White Tower in the Tower of London is supposed to be haunted by two crying small boys ever since their disappearance.
Henry VII had 2 sons - Arthur & Henry. Arthur married Catherine of Aragon & then died giving the throne to Henry & his wife too which later gave Henry a reason to divorce her when he fell for Anne Boleyn. She may have had six fingers on her right hand but there's no proof. She was accused of adultery with her brother, her favourite musician & countless others. The funny thing is she had kept Henry on the string without sleeping with him for years, the first time was when she got pregnant with Elizabeth.
Henry married six times, three Katherines - one divorced, one executed & one out-lived him, two Annes - one executed & one divorced & one Jane who bore him his only son, Edward & died.
Yes, he probably had syphillis. This is what made him almost sterile - six wives - three kids & so hard to get along with. It's called syphillitic megalopathy. He was king & always got his way so when he thought someone was against him, they didn't have a chance.
Not only was he obese, he had gout! Yuck! He had open, running smelly sores on his leg & couldn't stand the pain when someone touched it even by accident. A lot of people died for that. That's one reason he married his last wife, Catherine Parr. She'd been married twice before to rich old men that she nursed until they died & left her a lot of money. Maybe she had something to do with all those deaths.
Her last husband was Thomas Seymour who only married her because he couldn't get Mary or Elizabeth. He wanted to be king & seduced Elizabeth while they were living at Catherine's place. She died in childbirth & so did the child. Thomas was executed by his brother Edward & nephew Edward (who he used to keep in pocket money so that surprised the heck out of him)
Mary married Phillip of Spain & being a rabid Catholic burned a lot of people at the stake for being Protestant. This earned her the nick name Bloody Mary. She thought she was pregnant a couple of times but the pregnancies turned out to be phantom pregnancies - all in her head. Then she died.
Elizabeth I inherited from Mary. She almost inherited her husband too, Phillip asked her to marry him but she said no which set off a big war between her & Spain. Her boyfriend, Robert Dudley's wife "fell down a flight of stairs" & broke her neck after Elizabeth became Queen. Robert wanted to get married, Elizabeth didn't. Her last boyfriend, Robert Essex was Dudley's stepson. He was executed after he ran into her bedroom early one morning & saw her without her make-up - BAD MOVE - off with his head! There were a lot of guys in between the two Roberts but she figured they were mostly interested in the crown not her so she never married (but she did fool around - hell, she was Queen, she could do what she wanted) Elizabeth was the last of the Tudors.
There were only five Tudor Kings & Queens but they DID leave their mark in history.

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