December 03, 2013

any downside to renting a villa in tampa rather than staying in a hotel?

bedroom set tampa
 on Bedroom Set, Tampa, FL - PennySaverUSA
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Im thinking about going to florida next summer, it seems villas are actually quite cheap if I want to stay for two weeks (£500-£600 pw) they mostly have private pools and are 4-5 bedrooms. They seem alot nicer than a 4 star hotwl and alot cheaper.

Am I missing something?

ahh yes that moment when you realise you can rent a whole house with a private pool for the price of a hotel room ! and no you are not missing anything at all except you have to make your own bed. You can save a ton of money not eating out, you can swim anytime you like and you donât have to listen to hotel doors slamming and other peopleâs a/c units droning all night.

When considering which property, as well as checking out the location thoroughly it is also wise to check the arrangements for getting access in detail and make sure you get plenty of contact numbers in case anything goes wrong. You donât want to be locked out which has happened to us on more occasions than I care to remember !

Rent direct from the owner if possible then you will know exactly what you are getting. Talk to them about their home and the arrangements they make for you to get the keys. Some will send you the keys direct in the mail (good), some will have a coded keybox on the front door (good) and others will require you to pick up the keys from their agent (possible problems).

Pitfalls to look for here are if you are arriving after hours and have to pick up your keys from a lock box at the agentâs office â does the box have a code ? will the agent have remembered to put your papers in the box ? what do you do if they havenât ? etc etc

Classic problems are the time the owner didnât tell us they had an intruder alarm â it set off when we opened the door and we couldnât contact the agent so had to go to a hotel for the night ⦠Or the time the agent gave us the wrong house keys; the time the agent changed the code on the keybox and didnât tell anyone. Or the time when the owner hadnât paid their water bill and the water was cut off ⦠or when the owner gave us the right street address for the rental but his own house number and we tried to get into the wrong house !! happy days â¦

Another thing to look out for is the âdamageâ deposit. Beware of giving your credit card imprint to an agent for this as they might get tempted to make a bit of extra cash out of you. Some owners will offer an insurance policy for a small fee (usually about $20) and some will require a cheque or payment in cash to be refunded after your rental. By talking to the owner you can get an idea of what their attitude is to how clean the property needs to be left and what their attitude is towards minor wear and tear.

Donât let any of this put you off â you will never go back to hotel rooms again
Have a great villa holiday

How much should I charge my friend rent?

Jim J

My friend and I are looking to rent an apartment in tampa and the rent is $825 a month if we split it how much more should the person with the master bedroom pay?

The fairest and most anal-retentive thing to do is measure the bedrooms' areas and divide the rent portionally.

Otherwise $425/$400 sounds reasonable and simple if the master bedroom is not too significantly larger.

The way you divide the rent may set the tone all remaining negotiations (utilities, cable, internet, common area cleaning, overnight guests, parties, lease break, damages, security deposit, etc.).

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