December 03, 2013

Could I realistically afford to live in Seattle?

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I work for the Navy as a civilian employee. Right now Iâm in the Deep South and am looking for a change. Seattle is towards the top of my list of places Iâd like to relocate to. I did my college internship in San Diego in 2010. They did offer me an entry level job for $10.00 an hour. But since San Diego is crazy expensive I didnât want to try to make a living on those wages so I took a job elsewhere.

As I mentioned earlier I want to get out of the Deep South but still work for the Navy. Since Iâm working as an office manager and building up my resume I figure Iâd have a better chance in San Diego a second time around. But the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of relocating to the Seattle area instead.

Itâs probably been 10 years since Iâve been to Seattle. Itâs a gorgeous city. Iâm originally from Minnesota and am pretty outdoorsy. So Iâm definitely liking that aspect of Seattle. I do have family in Tacoma so itâs nice to know family is close by.

If I did get a job transfer to the Seattle area Iâd either be working north of Seattle in either Everett or Whidbey Island. Possibly Bremerton but the other two areas are more likely.

If I do get a job transfer, I should be making $35,000-$40,000 a year. Iâm only two years out of college so my salary isnât that great. Is this enough money to realistically live in the Seattle area? Iâd prefer a two bedroom apartment but would settle for one if thatâs all I could afford. And Iâd rather live without roommates. Eventually Iâd like to get married but definitely not anytime soon! So it would be just me. Iâm a former college athlete so I had a full scholarship and have no student loans to pay back. I should have my car loan paid off within the next six months. So by the time I relocate to Seattle Iâd really just have to worry about everyday expenses: rent and utilities, gas, groceries, insurance, taxes and so on.

Thanks for your advice!

You can get an apartment in the Seattle vicinity for, low end, living by yourself, about $860 with utilities. You would want to check craigslist often to see what the market looks like for a few weeks, and call some people to inquire, and you don't need to make an appointment to see it, just see if they sound shady to you, do they want first and last and a deposit?

My best suggestion is to find a place on a bus line, even if you have a car. When you want to go down town the parking is about $10 downtown, $7 on Queen Anne, $15 for museums, etc.

If you are making $35,000 I would set aside time cooking one day a week, and freeze the food so you can brown bag it at lunch. That sounds silly, but $10 per lunch at work is one thing $2 with food you make at home, for a month means $160 for you to go out with friends to find a woman, or $160 to buy car insurance. I lived on that amount of money, I didn't go to Starbucks, and I ran up my credit cards. If you really enjoy athletics, check out the Burke Gilman trail, and Greenlake as places you might want to land near.

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