February 18, 2014

What should i do to my bedroom?

Chompy A

I have just switched beds with my cousins and it is a queen size bed. my room is about 4 by 4.2 metres so it is not big. My window takes up over half of a wall horizontally and i have an inbuilt cupboard. the cupboars is on the wall next to the wall of the window (starting at the edge closest to the window) which takes up half of the wall vertically. My queen side bed is against the window (running along the window). i dont really have much else in my room apart from a set of draws and a bed side table. my floor is light wood.

Has anyone got any ideas about what i can do to my room to make it look better nd make it more exiting?

Is your bed on a frame .. try freecycle.org for a new sized bed a day bed frame or even a loft bed.. some new bedroom stuff... I think you should totally accent your window make it pretty... what's the view like if it's buildings and junk in the lower half put up a half curtain and keep your bed low just seeing the stars and sun.. on the oposite wall from your bed put a nice frameless mirror to reflect light and bad energy.. the cabinets can you paint them... are they ugly cute.. change the knobs on em or paint if you can't afford it ... but I use urban outfitters online and they have some cute cheap ones on sale to so does anthropologie but usually to expensive...

You can also get a table that folds down from the wall and a stool.. ikea had a table like that for 15 dollars and it worked good really tiny desk size and folds back to the wall .. then you can just stick your seat somewhere.. or if you have no bed frame keep it close nest to the end or across depending on your room to just sit on your bed...

Good luck.. try and pick up freebies summer times tag sales people leave the coolest stuff out.. take an old chandalier and paint it keep candles not lights in it or bead it ..... make numerous cool bed back boards from junk... four shutters.. makes a plant holder....put some shelving in your room and fill with jars.. household ones with the labels peeled off.. if you like art keep all your supplies looking neat and trending up there.. it looks good :)

Should I get a queen or a full bed?

I'm moving into a new place and my bedroom is 10' x 14'. My boyfriend will probably be staying over quite a bit. I am 5'1" and he is 5'9". I sleep in his queen bed often and find that there more than enough for the 2 of us. I'm also trying to fit a shallow wardrobe (18" deep), a small bookshelf, a desk, and maybe a dresser if that can fit. Will the extra few inches on a queen really make the room feel cramped?

A lot of it depends on the bed frame. A bed frame with a headboard and foot board can add a lot of length to a bedâs foot print. Space in your room is obviously precious. Since you are planning to put a desk in there I assume you are going to be spending a lot of time in there beside just sleeping or "cuddling". Obviously, getting a good nightâs sleep is very important. Tossing and turning while struggling for a little extra space in your bed at night is just going to make work, school and getting along with others very difficult. So get the larger bed. BUT, just get the minimum frame without the head and foot board. That may give you as much as five extra square foot of floor space and in a small room, and that can make quite a difference.

Without having to consider another person, it be best to get a full sized bed. Or even a twin, but of course that is not really going to allow for a guest at all. Not only are full and twins smaller, but they are less expensive to start with and the linens for them are also less expensive. If you think this relationsip might not last long, you might just want to get a smaller size bed and enjoy the extra room.

Here are some other hints for small bedroom designs: www.ehow.com/how_12027_furnish-small-bedroom.html

Just Google "small bedroom design" and you'll get many useful articles.

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