February 20, 2014

Does anyone else feel confined?

it's up to

I live in a small town in TN! I'm currently in college and I have a while until I finish. I want to move away once I do i've thought about Virginia Beach, greenville, Sc. I feel like an animal in a cage. I'm tired of living in this lil town I want to live somewhere where they accept people no matter their race or sexual orientation. I'm bi and Nobody except one person knows. I feel all alone and some nights I just lay in bed and cry. And I also have this person who I really care about who says they care about me the same way, but actions speak louder than words. They want me to be there for them all the time whenever they need it, but I can't get that in return. I've tried to forget this person, but no luck! They are all I think about. Let alone i'm doing a paper for school and I need to have my paper lined up one line after the next, it's for my oral comm class and I can't get it like I need it. SORRY I know i'm babbling I just have a lot on my mind and WISH I had someone to talk to who understood!
If anyone can give me nice areas to live not too far from TN it would be appreciated. Honestly, any nice areas in Tn or not!!! Thx!

I feel you completely. I moved out from my hometown at age 18. Then at 21 I moved abroad to the US in the northeast NY/NJ. And then at 27 I moved south to FL. Although I met hundreds of people while in the NE. I can only call friends to 4 of them. Relationships are important, but ultimately is to love yourself first what matters. Regardless of where you go, put yourself first, in a good way that is, and do not trust anyone. Pick your friends with tweezers, you know what I mean, choose your friends carefully.

One way to do this is by trusting them little by little, with time you'll see what they did with your trust or what they really wanted from you.

Now about moving. Make sure you have some skills, if you don't have a college degree or even if you have one, try to be more marketable. Acquire some experience in something you like and build up your resume and references. Wherever you move, you'll need a Job to support yourself.

Moving is exciting. I recommend you go and visit first to wherever you want to move. Go, stay in a hostel or cheap hotel (make sure to check ratings and reviews online) ... rent a car and drive around. Visit some local places outside the tourist sites and see how residents are.

For example, I found that here in FL most people tend to be more friendly than up in NY/NJ area. I smile and they smile back, or at least most of the times. You do that in NY/NJ (specially in the City) and they'll just look at you weird.

Also, save the most money you can! You'll probably be paying for Security Deposit and 1st. Months rent. Whether you get a Studio apt. or a Bedroom in a Rooming Student House. You'll need it.

Cheer up! You can do whatever you set your mind to! And Move!

pcsing to hawaii from north carolina i need help?


i move in may ...how will things go. hubby hasnt looked at anything..what is needed,
what will happen first, what will we need to do . what should we bring, what should we sell and what should we put in storage.
i currently live off base so i have couches, beds, dinning sets and bedroom sets. what will i need to bring. if im living on base what will they allow us to bring.
how much should we need just first going there
how hard is it to get in to the hotels on base.
im moving to k something bay
i have 1 child and just found im preg. what will i qualifie for to base housing
and what to do about the kids like wic and ec.
please more help will be the marrier thanks so much

He needs to set it up himself or give you a Power of Attorney to do it.

You will be stationed in Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Base. it is quite nice has several beaches, decent size commissary and exchange as well. 20 minutes away over the H3 is Pearl Harbor-Hickam base then another 20/25 minutes past that is Schofield Barracks. you also have downtown Waikiki about 20/30 minutes away. Everything is close by and easy to get to.

The military will not store anything for you at all, the only time they do that is if you were going to Europe or Asia. You will need everything including a washer/dryer if you have one. They will ship one vehicle for you to that location as well. You can ship a second one if you want but it will be at your own cost. You have to get the vehicle to the closest drop off location which is probably Virginia. it will take about 6 weeks to get there. Or you can drive it to LA or San Diego and then ship it from there. They will give you MALT (mileage) and Per Diem for getting it there if that is an option. THey will provide plane tickets from where you are to Hawaii. There is a base hotel that he will need to book as soon as you have the information. Base housing is being redone and decent but there can be a waiting list so you can have to live out in town for a little while. They will provide up to 60 days of TLE (Temporary Lodging) if waiting for housing. But if you are offered a place and turned it down then you will only have 10 more days of TLE. During this time you are also getting BAH based on Hawaii. They can offer you housing in Manana which has been redone but it would be commute each day for him of about 30 minutes.

You will get 2 shipments of your HHG (household goods). The first one is just about everything you need. THe second shipment is called express, in there it can be up to 1000 lbs but is limited to certain sizes. Like you can't ship a big TV but a small one plus a small DVD player, sheets, towels, air mattresses, pillows, etc... You can get loaner furniture in Hawaii if you get base housing and your things are not there yet.

Pregnancy will be referred to Tripler AMC which is a decent hospital.

Go with an open attitude, it can be a great time if you make it that way. Don't visit everything in the first two months. Be respectful, try food/things at least once and you should have a great time.

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