May 07, 2014

I have a 3 bedroom apartment...twins coming soon!?


I have my kitty litter box in my soon to be twins room walk in closet. I don't want it in there once my babies come. I have a very open 3 bedroom apartment, mine and my husbands room and my 2 daughters room, and the other is set aside from twins. No closets anywhere but the bedrooms, so my question is...Where the hell do I put my kitty litter box?!?
LOL...a 4th room?...they are's a thought

There are a number of enclosures made for litter boxes, and I have provided a link of several types. The second link shows some more examples.

One caution in moving the location. Some cats get upset, so if you could provide a temporary litter box in the old location while you get your cat used to the new location, that might be a good idea.

Comcast HD DVR Box?

Hoptoad Ci

Arrghh! I hate Comcast! We just set up a new HD tv in our house (our second one), got a new box (actually 3, the first 2 didn't work) and finally got the HD working. Now the time does not show up on the new box or our existing HD DVR box for our existing TV. It worked before, and when asked, comcast says, "it should show up on it's own." I just need to get the time back on the box. What do I do? Comcast customer support is useless as usual. We have Motorola HD DVR boxes.

You need to go into the menu and set up to show time. I have the box in the living room set to show the time but, not the one in the bedroom because I don't want to know the time in the middle of the night.Go to menu then choose cable box set up.It will say Front LED Display.

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