May 26, 2014

Can I overlay a queen size mattress over a full size box spring?


I have a full size bed (50 in X 70 in) and I will have my parents come in for a holiday and I wish to relinquish my bedroom and my bed for them while they are with me. I think my current bed with dimensions 50 in. X 70 in. will be small for them. So I was thinking of retaining my full size frame with the full size box spring and replace the top full-size mattress with a queen sized mattress.

Will this arrangement work? Do you think the queen size top mattress will slide over or bend with a smaller box spring mattress on its bottom? Since my parents are gonna be with me for close to 6 months so I need a comfortable solution for them - Will it be uncomfortable or unstable for my parents to be on it? - Please advise!

@The original me

You mean I should insert one MDF sheet at the bottom of the box spring and one on top of it (in between the full size box spring and the new queen size top mattress), right? But how will I insert a MDF sheet below the box spring - the box spring is within the metal bed frame and is very securely within its framework. And is MDF strong enough not to bend or break or crack with the load of 2 people and the new top mattress? If you could give me details how to use the MDF, it would be very helpful. Thanks in advance!

It won't work. The most inexpensive solution would be to get 2 sheets of MDF 5/8" the store will cut them for you. You want to lay them Top and bottom not side to side then the mattress over the current box.

How can arrange my room when my closet is th length of my master bedroom?


I have a queen bed a dresser a cedar chest and a small basic tv stand. Can anyone help me?

If you move your bed so it is on the wall parallel to the wall with the closet on it, it will allow the room to be quite equal. You could put your dresser on one side, and the Chest on the other side.

For better flow, Put the bed away from the entry of the room, keep traffic pattern to a maximum. Place the bed on the wall that touches the wall of the closet wall, like this...
Closet wall
(Dresser Bed)

It is hard for this to be answered considering we dont know the dimensions, or where the doors are or windows in your master bedroom.

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