April 01, 2014

What has been happening in Eastenders with Michael and Jean?


I haven't watched Eastenders properly since Ronnie left, but I watched todays episode. Can someone please explain to me what is going on please?

Michael conned Jean out of her lottery winnings and the Vic's money in order to help pay for his wedding, so that Janine cannot make all the decisions.
He tell Jean he's running a youth project for young boxers to help keep them off the streets and that Jean will see a return in her investment.
Janine grows suspicious of Michael and Jean's friendship and is angered when Jean tells her that Michael has actually confided in her about his mother's suicide. She then goes to Michael to see whether she was telling the truth, but he lies that Jean has been lying to her. Jean then invests more money, though Michael tries to put her off as it is for The Queen Victoria's VAT bill. She soon regrets giving him the money and asks for it back, but he ignores her messages and phone calls and then pretends he does not know what she is talking about. Jean is then forced to tell Janine what Michael has done, however, Michael says that Jean is obsessed with him and Janine's unborn baby. He then attempts to turn everyone against Jean by saying she is obsessed with Roxy's daughter Amy, and setting up a bed containing Amy's things in Jean's bedroom. When Kat returns, she believes Jean over Michael and tries to help Jean find proof. After Jean pretends to flush Michael's St Christoper down the loo to get him to confess, he promises he will. He then phones the undertaker and organises a funeral for Stacey which further makes everyone think Jean is mad. Kat then believes that Jean is ill and goes to Michael to give him one more chance to confess. When she tells him that Jean will kill herself if she's sectioned he admits to Kat he took the money.

bedroom decoration ideas?


i'm tired of the look of my bedroom and willing to change something about it to make it more cheerful... conducive for study.. i'm 21.. it's a medium sized bedroom the colour of the walls are peach-ish cos the curtains and the wall cabinets in the room are peach in colour.. i've 2 layers of curtains.. the thick peach and the thin white.. i've a queen bed which is creamish.. i've a study table, it is a glass table.. a wooden chest and a book shelf in my room. the room looks really full with all these stuffs but they are also necessary..i don't want them but i don't know about throwing them either..basically the colours are boring me. i cant change the colour of the curtains..perhaps get rid of the thick peach curtain for more light.. and the bed as well cant be changed.. there are no posters in the room.. just a wall clock and nothing else.. oh yes, i have a table fan also.. what can i do to make my room more colourful.. spacious and so that i feel like sitting in it and study!!! ideas will be very much appreciated! thanks

To make your room look larger, neat and brighter arrange your room in separate areas, with lighting for each area and a lot of natural light.

Center your bed with the headboard against a large wall with a nightstand and lamp.
Set the chest at the foot of your bed.
Place your bookshelf on the opposite wall across from the footboard.
(unless it blocks a window)
Put your study table in a far corner.
You could get a footstool to put the fan on.

Is the thin white curtain a liner or sheer?
If it's a liner replace it with white sheers.
When the weather starts getting cold put the liner back up.

Decorate with candles, vases, candle wall sconces, lava lamp, jewelry box, blown glass figurines.
Inexpensive at the Dollar Store or thrift stores. (Goodwill/St. Vincent Depaul)
Large abstract or scenic wall art above above your head board.
http://www.art.com/products/p10101422-sa-i863271/don-li-leger-bamboo-division.htm?sorig=cat&sorigid=0&dimvals=0&ui=3358b5d79bd6485db71ced1357d13a4 <20% off
http://www.art.com/products/p13596416-sa-i2718090/african-plains.htm?sorig=cat&sorigid=1833&dimvals=1833&ui=3358b5d79bd6485db71ced1357d13a44 <"

Here are some DIY ideas.

Wall Decals
Use contact paper ($5 roll) and cut out any design, tons of colors and easy to remove without damaging walls.
http://www.threadbanger.com/decor-it-yourself/episode/DEC_20080520 decor yourself < watch video, instructions after commercial

Message Board
Hang by your study table, pushpin/tac up notes, photos, memorabilia...
Cut a large square out of box cardboard, about the size of a cork board.
To make the hanger, punch two holes 1/2 inch apart 1 inch from the top in the center, thread the ends of a twisty tie (the paper covered wire used to close bread) thru the holes, turn panel over, make a loop and twist the ends.
Cut a piece of fabric 2 inches larger than the cardboard.
Lay cardboard on top of fabric and wrap to the back like a present and pin.
You could decorate it with ribbon, make a geometric design or add a border.
(you could use an old shirt or sweater or a shirt with a cool design or your fav band,
cut the front of the shirt two inches bigger than the cardboard)

Fabric panels
Cut two or three matching size rectangles about 12"x30" out of box cardboard or a sheet of styrofoam. <available home improvement stores
Make the hanger as above, add a layer of batting and wrap each with matching fabric and hang together on one wall or you could use wallpaper and glue to the back.
For thicker panels glue layers of cardboard together.

You can get remnant fabric for $1-$3 per yard at any fabric store or in the fabric section of dept. stores in every color, pattern or design imaginable.

http://www.designpublic.com/shop/wall-art/fabric-panels <I'm amazed at the prices

Picture collage
Cut out any size out of thin cardboard. (a cereal box works great)
Make the hanger.
Use a glue stick or a small drop of glue for each pic, you can arrange the photos side by side or overlapping.

Group framed photos or nature pics on one wall.
Best to arrange on the floor with largest pic in the middle before hanging or in matching frames. You can frame calendar pics or cut out pics from magazines or print pics from the net or frame wallpaper or wrapping paper in two small frames.
http://www.monchesfarm.com/Abstract%20Art.jpg <click file top left, choose print, print full page, cut down and frame in a 8x10 frame.

You can make frames, cut out any size frame from cardboard and wrap with fabric strips, wallpaper or gift wrap.

Or a multi-pic frame
http://www.exitinteriors.co.uk/office-13/superframe-contemporary-perspex-mounted-376-377_medium.jpg <about $3 at walmart

Hang a poster of your favorite band, movie or celebrity.

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