April 26, 2014

Great Smoky Cabins TN or North Carolina... Location? Companies?

dan m

I plan to travel to the Smoky's over labor day weekend and sped 3-4 nights in a cabin. I live in Manhattan and we are looking for a calm vacation for the long weekend.

There are so many options for cabins it's overwhelming. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on companies and locations. We would prefer to have something that is secluded and off the beaten path. We want to relax and hike. I want something that is really nice, not concerned about the price per night.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Here is a link to what I think are some of the nicest cabins you'll find in the Smoky's. Their cabins are located near the Nantahala River, Fontana Lake, Bryson City, the Cherokee Indian Reservation & Harrah's casino, the Tsali mountain biking trails and the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad. Go browse through their website and I think you'll like what you see there. http://watershedcabins.com/index.html

Another website that I have used and had good luck with is http://www.vrbo.com/. You can narrow you search greatly by putting in search terms for what you're looking for along with the dates you need. Then you only have to look through what is currently available and not everything from a 1 bedroom to a mansion.

You specified the Smoky's but there are many other areas in western NC you might like as well if you're not dead set on that particular location. You can find fabulous hiking opportunities in the Boone and Blowing Rock area along the Blue Ridge Parkway if you want to consider another area. Search "hiking Grandfather Mountain" and you find lots of places to explore. It's a beautiful area with wonderful views from both the Parkway and hiking trails.

Get in touch if I can help you with more info. By the way... I love visiting Manhatten!

Good luck and I hope this helps!

How to address North Carolina family court on a custody case?

Q. I want to have my T's crossed and I's dotted on this. I need help preparing my case. As far as what I need and the correct way to obtain it. I'm shooting for full custody with great reason. If anyone has been in a custody battle PLEASE HELP ME!!!!... Will I need a lawyer? Are recordings acceptable? Are bank statements acceptable as monetary evidence of child support misuse? Please advice me in the right direction. Thank you all.

Lots of questions...okay, yes a lawyer is ALWAYS your best option when going to any court, if you want to win. Also, the things that YOU think are super important are usually not, a lawyer can help you talk through items and give you advice on what he/she thinks a Judge will find important.

Recordings are acceptable in a court of law, but the Judge rarely allows them in as evidence because he/she doesn't want to take the time to listen to all that he said she said crap. If you can convince a Judge to appoint a Guardian Ad Litem they MIGHT be willing to listen to them.

You can NOT prove child support misuse. Can NOT! CAN NOT! CAN NOT!

Let me clue you in, child support does NOT have to be used on the child, like only on a child's hair cut, or only on children's clothing. Child support is given to the custodial parent to help off set the cost of raising the child, but there is no law in any state that says you may only use child support on the following items.

In a court of law let's say there was a single mom with one child. All bills would be split evenly in court with that one child, for example, if rent is $600 per month for a 2 bedroom apartment the child's portion would be $300, same goes with electric, gas, even the car payment! So what I am saying is if you add up half of her cost of living from rent to the car payment and you half that she can spend that much of the child support money and not be held accountable to anyone in a court of law.

If you have proof that she is beating the child, or allowing the child to be beat that is the ONLY reason a Judge is going to grant full custody. Joint custody is the way the Judge wants to see all custody cases go. You both contributed DNA, so you both should have a say in how the kid is raised.

If you file for full custody the Judge will likely not even hear more than your opening arguments. Go see a lawyer, most will give you a 15 minute free consultation, talk with them about what you have and if they think you have a case, because lawyers don't want to back a loosing horse, they will tell you if you don't have crap.

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