March 14, 2014

Moving to Vancouver BC from Ontario?

Hello, I am a 24 year old man who currently lives in Ontario, Canada.
I have cerebral palsy and I am on disability. I live in a small, uninspired, boring, jobless and depressing town which I have lived in for about 5 years. I want to move!!! BADLY!!!!!!!!

I am preparing to take my GED exams in a couple months here though.
When I have my GED papers; I want to move to British Columbia maybe in the early second half of 2010.

I have heard good things about BC regarding the climate, people, fun activity, and job opportunities and I would like to go there and make a clean sweep of my life.

My goals are to go to school there and build a life for myself. Get into a career in medicine. While I am there; I want to makes new friends and settle down. Perhaps even open a small business.

The town I currently live in is not populated by friendly, warm, and engaging people. Quite the opposite! When I moved here from another part of Ontario; I quickly noticed that people here are rather unfriendly, tight lipped, narrow minded and awkwardly anti-social. I visited here in the early 90âs and between then and now, it is just the same. Except for the fact that there are faster computers and a new stadium. I meant, the people are the same. There is very little to do here for entertainment too. Sorry for being negative, but that is pretty much how it is. I have heard and read very similar views on this town over the years.

In the mean time; I need some advice on long distance moving. I really donât know how to move long distances all by myself! The plan is to move myself with the Greyhound bus. Perhaps have a family member hold onto some of my things I can't really take right away. Non essential stuff like: books, stereo, game console, spare computer, ETC.
And return later on the bus to pick it up bit by bit or have them ship it to me.

As a student; I can use my ID and travel to BC from here one way with every bit of $100.
That is fine by me. No big deal.

Problem is:
1. How do I search for and secure an apartment in BC all the way from here!?

2. Where (which town) do I find a one bedroom apartment for around $550 per month?
If âpush comes to shoveâ; I would be perfectly willing to share a large two bedroom apartment with a roommate taking up the second room to help pay the bills.

3. I currently have on my hands; an apartment which is fully furnished! HERE in Ontario! Sadly I know I can only take a small portion of my belongings which I spent years accumulating. But I have this apartment to deal with; I canât take it all with me. I am planning my future, I have to bite the bullet and say goodbye to a large chunk of my furnature.

I canât just leave my bed, table couch and everything else for my landlord to clean up/dispose of. That is not the act of a good tenant! Iâm not a deadbeat tenant.

4. I have a 5 1/2 year old pet cat, which I love dearly. Greyhound won't let animals on board. And leaving her behind is not an option, not to mention cruel and unusual to the little beastie. What shall I do? I am on disability at the moment so I am limited money wise.

5. When I get there; I will quickly go to a local thrift store and purchase the following things for my apartment.
Each are common and mostly inexpensive items:

-Kitchen table with chairs
-Couch & arm chair
-Coffee table
-Desk & chair
-Dishes, bowls, glasses, and mugs
-Pots and pans
-Forks and knives
-Toaster oven
-Teapot and kettle
-Small TV set and table
-shower curtain

Thanks for any help you could give me in planning my move to British Columbia!
I appreciate all the advice I can get.

Karen L gave you some great advice. The only thing I can add is that, as you have a disability, you might be eligible for subsidized housing. I have a friend with cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair, who is in subsidized housing and they only charge him 30% of his income. Check out for more info.

What are some unusual, uncommon, yet thoughtful arguments against same-sex marriage?


I am writing my high school senior thesis on why there is no reason same-sex should be illegal. I've covered all the typical, common arguments against it in my antithesis, but I know there are a lot more out there that I would like to include. Thank you.

Liberals mock Republicans for claiming that we are on a moral "Slippery Slope," but letâs look at the facts.

Not long ago gays proclaimed: âItâs none of your business what I do in the bedroom! Why can't Republicans mind their own business?â But their gay âlifestyleâ somehow left the bedroom and is today being taught to school an âalternate lifestyle.â

Then âthe slopeâ steepened:

-8/18/12 California law barring parents from 'curing' gay children moves through legislature.

French gays have an even better idea:
-10/11/12 Legislation that would legalize same-sex marriage and give homosexual couples the right to adopt children also would replace the terms âmotherâ and âfatherâ with âparent 1â and âparent 2â in all legal documents, including birth certificates.

But why stop at âgay rightsâ?

-11/2/12⦠Evergreen State College in Washington State: A public schoolâs ânon-discrimination policyâ allows Colleen Francis, a biological male who identifies as a woman, to use the womenâs locker room and restrooms. According to the police report obtained by Campus Reform, the transgendered man in question, 45-year-old student Colleen Francis, was âsitting with her legs open with her male genitalia showingâ with girls as young as six years old present.

-8/13/12 Democrat Mary Gonzalez was the first lesbian to openly serve in the Texas House of Representatives, and now sheâs becoming the first âpansexual,â too.
As Gonzalez defines it, apparently a âpansexualâ is attracted to men, women, men who identify as women, women who identify as men, and everything in between....â

Whatâs next? Incest?

Woody Allen had an affair with his daughter-in-law. Morgan Freeman had an affair with his granddaughter-in-law.

How long will it be before Hollywood gifts us with a movie about this couple?
-A father and daughter confessed on television last night to spending seven years in a sexual relationship and conceiving two children.
-"John and I are in this relationship as consenting adults," Jenny told Australia's 60 Minutes programme last night.
-"We are just asking for a little bit of respect and understanding."

In a recent episode of the History Channelâs miniseries âMidwifeâ an elderly brother and sister lived together incestuously for decades. When the two died in each otherâs arms -- he of cancer, she of suicide -- the head nun (yes, a nun) who supervised their last days eulogized: âItâs not who you love thatâs important, itâs love itself that defines human beings.â It was a real tear jerker...yes, sir.

Oh, look! Hereâs another lifestyle!

-2/26/12 CBC News, Canada: A Vancouver man is set to go to trial for bestiality, a charge that is rarely prosecuted in the courts. The SPCA alleges it has seized video of Brian Cutteridge, 38, engaged in sexual acts with his dog. Cutteridge has argued openly against bestiality laws and has written extensively about sexual relationships with animals. Two years ago he published a paper called For the Love of Dog: On the Legal Prohibition of Zoophilia in Canada and the United States. "He feels very strongly that that should be something that's legal," Moriarty said. "He feels those relationship with his dogs are equivalent to a marriage-type relationship...â

And another!
âBut there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.â
ânihilismâ defined:
-A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
-The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.
Footnote: Should gay couples have the same legal status as hetero couples? Absolutely, and they have those rights in most states. In fact, they have rights superior to us due to their federal minority status. They get quotas just like racial minorities. But thatâs still not enough! Now they want to change the definition of marriage from a union of man and woman, a tradition embraced by all cultures, world wide, since written history. Man, you talk about in-your-face!
How did we get here?

It all started 20 years ago with: âItâs none of your business what I do in the bedroom! Why donât you Republicans mind your own business?â

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