March 17, 2014

Does Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip share the same bedroom?


In aristocratic circles some husbands and wives have separate bedrooms.

No the Queen likes her own private room in all her palaces and castles as there isn't any need to sleep with him as the child rearing years are over. Some journalists have said that they do in fact share a room together but if you look at royal ship Britannia and the royal train they have separate bedrooms. Obviously living in grand castles and palaces they could each have a room to share and their own room.

Do Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip still sleep in the same bedroom?what do the castle servants say?


well you know they are rather old.
so you read about elderly people sleeping in seperate beds, i thought maybe the queen preferred her corgis.

More importantly, do those corgis of hers have their own private bedroom together with bejeweled dog beds and such and furnishings fit for a royal pet?

Now young lady, one really shouldn't discuss the bedroom habits of our dear Monarch, but between you and me, I have it on quite good authority that Prince Philip is a man who still has certain 'needs' as it were. Consequently every Friday and Saturday night, HM The Queen allows one of her look-alike doubles to take her place in the Royal matrimonial bed and allows the Greek fellow to ravish her mercilessly.
Thankfully the real Queen is well out of harm's way and with Philip's eyesight not being what it used to be, the old boy doesn't know the difference.

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