December 15, 2013

What are the first steps to planning a 30th birthday party for my husband?

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LeeAnna C

Nothing says "Happy Birthday" quite like a high-spirited gathering of family and friends with plenty of food, drinks and entertainment.

Step 1: Set the Date
Before all things, set the date. Guests don't need advance notice about the venue or the menu for your party. What they do need to know is what date to block on their calendars.
Simple steps to setting the date:
Ask the birthday honoree what the ideal party date(s) might be.
Consult with any VIPS, such as friends or family, to make sure that they can attend.
Push the party date to a weekend night if the birthday falls on an inconvenient weeknight.
More people will be able to attend on a Friday night than on a Tuesday night. Guests will also be in better spirits on the weekend.
Pick a final date.

Step 2: Personalize the Party
Does your friend like to cut loose and dance all night long or would a classy cocktail and dinner party be a better fit? Think about what kind of celebration suits the birthday boy or girl's personality. Here are some popular party ideas:
Throw the type of party that your friend would like best:
Have a barbecue for your friend who loves to hang out outdoors in the afternoon. Fire up the grill!
Host a classy dinner party

Host a classy dinner party for your witty friend who adores good food and great wine.
Throw a dance party for the non-stop partier.
Pick a theme for your party
Choose from the classic party themes: a '60s or an '80s party, a luau or a casino party.
Customize a theme party for your imaginative friend: a bloody theme for the one who's obsessed with Dexter, a sexy theme for the Desperate Housewives junkie, or an American Idol-themed karaoke party.
Plan a special group gift.
Ask around to find out if there is anything that the birthday boy or girl is saving up for such as a vacation or a new bedroom set. If so, ask everyone to contribute to a monetary group gift.
Step 3: Invite Guests

Build the guest list

Guests make or break the party, so invite an interesting mix of people who know how to have a good time.
Decide how many guests the party location and budget can accommodate.
Make a list of the honoree's close friends and family.
Consult with the honoree to make sure you haven't missed anyone.
For additional guests, consider personality:
Invite people who will fuel conversation and burn up the dance floor.
Invite exciting new friends and interesting personalitiesâanyone the birthday boy or girl has been hanging out with or talking about lately.
Don't invite drama queens or the birthday honoree's frenemies.
Gather contact information (including e-mails) for everyone on the list.
Check your list. Ask the honoree's friends to double check the list for missing VIPs.
Send Invitations
Whether you're sending paper invitations through the mail or an Evite, get the word out early because great party people are in high demand. Remember, the earlier you send out the invitations, the better your turnout will be.
Invitation Details:
Name of birthday boy or girl
Address and directions to party location
Date and time
Contact name and phone number
RSVP deadline
Additional instructions for gifting, BYOB requests, or plus ones

Further steps at link below.

What is the best temperate season?

Hey you

Well, for me, spring, because spring is the season of youth and the season of new life

well, 2nd is autumn, because autumn is the season of retirement, falling and removing the old ways and old things

well, 3rd is summer, because summer is the season of freedom and peace and rest

well, the worst is winter because that is the season of death and darkness

winter, when you can see a lot of dead trees (not actually dead) and animals under the ground (hibernation) and few people outside. These things symbolize death

well, in summer that's the season when you can enjoy a lot of things and you're free to do what do you want

they said autumn is the season of love because falling leaves symbolize that you're fall in love and the best time of removing all the old things and dirty things

Well, most of all, I love blooming trees because these trees symbolize a new beginning and a new life that's why that was the best season for me but for the others???]

any comment???

spring (%) summer(%) autumn(%) winter(%) put also the percentage

Great question. My favorite season would have to be mid-spring, around the end of April and early May.

I live in southwest Illinois, USA, which has a humid continental climate (but bordering on humid subtropical). We have cold, but mild, winters and long, hot and humid summers.

January-I hate January because it's cold. Some days are pleasant, though. However, the plus side about January is that the days are growing longer (since it's after the winter solstice), and the sun is getting higher in the sky. The sun is beginning it's "apparent" trip back north towards the Equator. January goes by quickly, so I don't really hate it that much. American Idol makes the days go by quickly. LOL

February-Average temperatures begin to rebound, and the air is no longer cooling. This signals the beginning of spring-like weather for my area. The days are noticeably longer than they were back in January. The sun is rising higher in the sky and is rising and setting further north. I love February because I can actually start doing things outside, like going for long bike rides.

March-The days are rapidly growing longer now. The sun crosses the Equator around the 21st, signaling longer days than nights. The sun is also rising and setting almost exactly in the east and west, and reaches a steep angle above the horizon at midday. The weather is pleasant, with warm days and chilly nights.

April-The days are still growing longer. The weather is perfect. Highs are generally in the 60s, though it can be cloudy and cold, or sunny and 85 degrees.

May-My absolute favorite month. The days are almost as long as they can get. The sun soars high in the sky, warming the land and providing plenty of light for the trees. Highs are generally in the 70s and 80s, though some days are cool (60s) and some are hot (90s). We get lots of rain in this month, providing plenty of water for the trees. All this rain and sunlight thickens the foliage on the trees, creating a mini-rainforest. The birds chirp loudly at sunrise and continue to chirp all day long.

June-The days are at their longest, with the true longest day occuring around June 21st (summer solstice). The weather is hot and humid, and it stays warm and muggy all night long. With the sun as far north as it can go, over the Tropic of Cancer, the sun soars high in the sky and creates a long arc in the sky. It sets in the northwest, with the final moments of sunlight pouring into my bedroom window. Twilight begins before 5 in the morning and ends past 9 at night. There is plenty of daylight to do just about anything.

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