Q. I asked this in the Home+Garden section, and didn't seem to be getting very appropiate responses. So I came to the beauty and style section.
My mother bought a black velvet bedding set [http://cgi.ebay.ca/7PC-BLACK-VELVET-SATIN-COMFORTER-SET-BED-IN-A-BAG-QUEEN_W0QQitemZ260194133501QQihZ016QQcategoryZ20469QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem] but it's too plain! I'm a preppy girl who loves fashion, and I don't want a dark bedroom when it doesn't reflect my personality at all.
My furniture is dark [looks like mahagony] and has gold pully-thingys. My walls are white, and I'm not painting any of it.
Any suddgestions to glam up this room?
I was thinking I could contrast my nickname since elementary [Princess] into it. Since it looks like there's a gold fringe, and the gold on my dresser set, would gold accents [throw pillows, a crown rug, chandelier] be ok?
I could also use a light pink with it.
My mother bought a black velvet bedding set [http://cgi.ebay.ca/7PC-BLACK-VELVET-SATIN-COMFORTER-SET-BED-IN-A-BAG-QUEEN_W0QQitemZ260194133501QQihZ016QQcategoryZ20469QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem] but it's too plain! I'm a preppy girl who loves fashion, and I don't want a dark bedroom when it doesn't reflect my personality at all.
My furniture is dark [looks like mahagony] and has gold pully-thingys. My walls are white, and I'm not painting any of it.
Any suddgestions to glam up this room?
I was thinking I could contrast my nickname since elementary [Princess] into it. Since it looks like there's a gold fringe, and the gold on my dresser set, would gold accents [throw pillows, a crown rug, chandelier] be ok?
I could also use a light pink with it.
How about going to target and buying white pillows and putting white little pillows in front on the bed. To lighten it up.
How about going to target and buying white pillows and putting white little pillows in front on the bed. To lighten it up.
What are some cute I can do for my room as far as paint and design things like that?

I am a 16 yr old girl and we are going to be renting a town house soon and my bed sheet colors are blue brown green black http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/bedroom/kids_teens/teen_boysroom/bedding/PRD~c13469/The+Big+One+Barclay+Reversible+Bed+Set.jsp
thats it in the link if you can copy and paste it
if I get a new set it might look like this
same colors differnt style so what I'm wondering is what I can do with my room since the paint has to be neutral colors any ideas the storage things in my room now are brown so something that goes with the brown I like blue and purples I can also have the sticker things on the walls as long as they are easy to get off
or this one
thanks quinn I really like that one too because it is alot girlier then the one I have now
and brad that seems like its really cool and sounds like alot of fun something I culd do with my friends because when ever we move in I get to have a smallish party
Thanks Jingjo! those are some good ideas
take some plastic cups or bowls that you can throw away, get a can of spray paint, and get a blank canvas from a craft store of whatever size you want. then paint the canvas a neutral color that your want as the background, probably a light grey in your case or a light, subtle blue. then put the cups or bowls on the grey canvas once its dry and spray around it with your spray paint (probably a blue or purple color in your case, maybe brown on the light blue background) to make ring-like shapes to match the ring shapes on your bed. the painting should look rly cool and abstract, im 16 too and i've done something similar to this for my room and I love it. I did what I said here but did splatter painting instead since my bedsheet has no design. grey background and bright red splatter. I took 2 canvas things that were like 24'' tall and 10'' wide and put them on either side of a bigger canvas that went in the middle that was about 24'' tall and 40'' wide that all went above the head of my bed, it looks great against my red wall :) hope that idea helps u out
take some plastic cups or bowls that you can throw away, get a can of spray paint, and get a blank canvas from a craft store of whatever size you want. then paint the canvas a neutral color that your want as the background, probably a light grey in your case or a light, subtle blue. then put the cups or bowls on the grey canvas once its dry and spray around it with your spray paint (probably a blue or purple color in your case, maybe brown on the light blue background) to make ring-like shapes to match the ring shapes on your bed. the painting should look rly cool and abstract, im 16 too and i've done something similar to this for my room and I love it. I did what I said here but did splatter painting instead since my bedsheet has no design. grey background and bright red splatter. I took 2 canvas things that were like 24'' tall and 10'' wide and put them on either side of a bigger canvas that went in the middle that was about 24'' tall and 40'' wide that all went above the head of my bed, it looks great against my red wall :) hope that idea helps u out
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