So my family and I have moved into a new house that we are renting, (because we moved to a different country). And every single room in the whole house is this mustard-y light yellow, except the bathrooms which are white. And the carpets are bright red... Anyway, my room has a built in wardrobe and comes with a queen bed.
How can I decorate it? I've been searching pinterest or ages and havent found something I really love.
try search in yahoo images and put in yellow bedroom. since you cant paint get some gluon board or plywood large enough to cover the wall behind the headboard from ceiling to bed and paint it in paisley or scroll design behind the bed. A black moon chair or flip chair with silver and turquoise décor with either white or white and black or solid black curtains and a nice rug. I would buy a new rug or put in laminate wood flooring which I am sure the landlord would agree to let you do but definitely cover the red carpet that's really bad. other than that I am out of any ideas but black to match both yellow and REDK? really? wow
try search in yahoo images and put in yellow bedroom. since you cant paint get some gluon board or plywood large enough to cover the wall behind the headboard from ceiling to bed and paint it in paisley or scroll design behind the bed. A black moon chair or flip chair with silver and turquoise décor with either white or white and black or solid black curtains and a nice rug. I would buy a new rug or put in laminate wood flooring which I am sure the landlord would agree to let you do but definitely cover the red carpet that's really bad. other than that I am out of any ideas but black to match both yellow and REDK? really? wow
What are some bedroom decorating ideas for small room?

I love country cottage design. I want my room to be cozy, and comfy. Not at all formal or hotel looking.
I have:
- Queen size black bed with head and foot board
- tall bookcase
- one decent sized window
Any ideas would be great. Websites and pictures would be good to.
This bedroom is simple and has open ,fresh feel.
Decorete with mirrors , perhaps in a grouping.http://www.google.com/search?q=decorative+mirror+groupings&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&rlz=1I7ADRA_enUS359&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hcvRUYeIMrT84AP1vIHYDQ&ved=0CGYQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=656
Use a dresser as an end table too.
Add fresh green plants a finishing touch.
Enjoy your new room.
This bedroom is simple and has open ,fresh feel.
Decorete with mirrors , perhaps in a grouping.http://www.google.com/search?q=decorative+mirror+groupings&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&rlz=1I7ADRA_enUS359&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hcvRUYeIMrT84AP1vIHYDQ&ved=0CGYQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=656
Use a dresser as an end table too.
Add fresh green plants a finishing touch.
Enjoy your new room.
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