April 07, 2014

Pleas help, How to get the money back?


My mother, Julie, met her boyfriend, John, only months after the break-up of her long term ex-boyfriend, Mark. Julie and John have been together in an extremely unhealthy relationship, and about a year into their relationship they both quit their jobs to open a local produce stand, John owns it, and Julie manages it with no rights to the business. I also worked there under the table for a year, until last November when the store unexpectedly closed for the winter.
Last August-September, Julie decided to move herself and I to Johns house, in a completely different city around 20-30 miles away, but i continued my high school education in my home town. Johnâs house only had one bedroom, and Julie paid him 800 dollars/month in rent, more than the two bedroom place in my home town cost. Anyways, I put up with it until this recent April/May, when Julie and John's drinking (both being alcoholics) got worse and worse, I started talking to my school counselor about what was going on, especially as John was getting physically abusive with Julie.
I had made plans to move out and live with friends of my family, with the help of my extended family (Aunt, Uncle, Grandma, 22 y/o Sister), In May, I had set a moving day (a Saturday), and informed Julie and John of my intentions. On the Thursday of that week, i showed up to work after school, and Julie was completely drunk, which wasn't unusual. I texted my aunt that i didn't feel safe riding home with her, but we didn't take action until Julie, while driving home, almost wrecked on a 55mph highway, and then acted like nothing happened, then rolled up the windows and lit a cigarettes, refusing to roll the windows down, so I grabbed her pack of cigarettes and threw them out the passenger side window, and rolling the window down would have been pointless since the smoke would have blown in my face. After she realized I threw them out the window (approximately five minutes later), she hit me in the face, also not unusual. I took the keys out of the ignition and steered the car to the side of the road so i could get out. After exiting the car, I called my aunt with the license plate number; she was reported to the Washington State Patrol. Around five minutes later Julie drove back up and offered me a ride. I informed her that the WSP were on their way, and got in the car, when we got to John's house, about five WSP cars pulled up and talked to her and I separately, she was given a breathalyzer test, and arrested soon-after. I stayed with the family-friends three days earlier than planned.
CPS (Child Protective Services) had been called weeks earlier to investigate a separate alcohol related event, after they heard about the DUI (Driving Under the Influence), they were very intent on making long term plans. With the DUI, she may be required to go into alcoholic rehabilitation.
The main problem is this, Julie owes me around $5,900-6,000, and she promised that she'd pay it back by the sixth of August (my 16th birthday). Nobody believes she'll pay it back, including the CPS lady; even I am sketchy, so I need to know what options I have to get the money back, only some of the money would be provable, and reasoning with a severe alcoholic is not possible, as some of you may know. The money was borrowed/split-up like this; $3780 Signed over 4-H checks (traceable) at ages 8-13, $341 Miscellaneous small amounts, $410 from Drivers Ed, $765 Lunch Money, $300 Cloths, $125 for a cell phone that she was supposed to buy. She has agreed to pay all of this back, but I need to know what options I have for when she doesnât.

Legally, all of a minor's belongings do not belong to the minor, but to the parent. This includes money, whether it was as a gift or wages.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. You have no legal way to force your mother to repay this money. You can only hope that she will feel guilty about it, and from what you say, she doesn't.

My landlord convinced I'm smoking in my townhouse and showing up with wife at 10 AM to "prove it"?


So this douche bag came in to remove things from the attic of my town home. I rent it from him, it's mine yet he insisted on putting a lock on the attic and storing his items. I smoke outside and I signed a lease that says no smoking inside. My close neighbors across the walkway smoke outside too. They swear that my place doesn't smell like smoke but those who are hypersensitive can smell it 30 or more feet away (thus the 25 and 50 ft from entry way laws here in Washington). I never told the guy I smoked because he didn't like me from the beginning and I don't tell people I do business with anything that they don't need to know.

The bottom line is that I have a horribly messy bedroom and have just tonight to get it cleaned up (clutter cleared) and in addition, my little dog took a pee on the unsealed cork board floor (that's right, this guy rents to people with pets yet doesn't seal floors and installs butcher block counter tops that are also unsealed). Outside of this, he's annoying as all get out. He wants the rent before the due date because he's mortgaged to the hilt and barely works in his "real" job (trust me, no disrespect - owning and managing property is a huge job with little to no profit for most).

1. I did break the lease because I have a cat. The lady that used to live next door? Had 3 random dogs at her place at any given time. That said, he knows about my dog but I'm going to stash the cat at a friends in the morning)
2. I'm no housekeeper. I'm a procrastinator from the word go. Until I fear gnats, the trash waits to go out so there are about 100 water bottles, paper plates, pizza boxes and a broken dresser in my bedroom.
3. Since the cork board floors are unsealed, some damage has been done by the dog. I know he can charge me for this (as well he should) when I leave but I am in fear that he will try to lecture me (he is a moral relativist - drinking good, smoking bad, obama good, global warming is real etc.) I think I can get it covered with a rug until he leaves unless he wants to go extra nosy which I'm pretty sure of.

The main point is - I can kill myself staying up all night, praying I can bust my butt enough to get everything pretty close to spotless or I can just set a limit to what sort of b.s. I'm willing to put up with. I don' t like people with agendas coming in to poke around anyway and that's what he's doing. There is no smoking - is his proof his sniff test and if he smells it on my jacket I'm out?

Do I bust my butt to make things as perfect as possible or just accept that no matter what I do, he'll find what he's looking for to chastise, judge and berate me in front of his wife all while costing me over 800 dollars of billable hours I could be spending working?

What is the proof of smoking? There is no residue (incense maybe), no ashtrays, no smell, no nothing other than what might be on my clothing which is MY CLOTHING! If it said "no smoking on premises, I'd understand.

Do you think this is a witch hunt to get me out or am I over-thinking the busy body motives of a programmed apologist for the state? Someone who believes that regulation and laws are what makes our country great other than one who believes in making fair deals and living by the constitution?

I hate moving but if he steals the 4k he has on deposit, pre-paid rents and other things, he'd be doing me a favor by kicking me out. But will he? This is a soft market and an expensive place. I am still under lease mind you.

What do you think? Thanks for reading!
Jerald - read the post before answering to get your yahoo point please. This isn't as simple as you seem to be (no offense but you obviously didn't read my litany of questions and logically break down any data)
Hi GEGE- Guess what? He found his proof but can't do squat because it's FAKE PROOF. A cigarette butt outside isn't proff of smoking inside so he's living with it. I sledgehammered him and I can stay or I can break the lease. I'm probably bailing. he's too (the no prize stuff like me mentioned above except I PAY MONTHS OF RENT IN ADVANCE TO HELP BROKE LANDLORDS). Tyvm for being rude yet having a point about it.

He gave you proper notice that he was going inside to inspect your unit and he has every legal right to do so. You think he's a douche bag because he wants to protect his property & insure you are abiding by the lease? Routine inspections are normal and every landlord should be performing them on a regular basis.

If you aren't smoking inside, you have nothing to worry about other than the damage your dog has done. If he finds out about the cat (and he will), he could evict you for a lease violation.

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