April 17, 2014

MTG, Zombies Vs. Vampires?


I'm pretty new, just wondering if I should start on a Vampire, or Zombie deck with the new Set, Block, Thingy coming out in a few weeks, (also, what is that going to be focusing on, if anything?).
P.S. I LOVE zombies, I have like 20 books on zombies in my bedroom and have seen Dawn of the dead like 20 times, lol.
Wow! Thank you all for the answers, well I've made MY decision on Vampires Vs. Zombies, (Vampires) but now it's time for you to make yours, I'm going to let you guys decide who has the best answer because I can't, I think almost everyone of them deserves it,
Thank you all again!

Personally I like vampires better. As far as Zombies go, there really haven't been any real good ones since Type 1. Apocalypse had the best ones I've seen with a few exceptions.

There are so many new vampires being released that vampire decks are getting a major arsenal to choose from. M11 offers quite a few new vampires and Scars of Mirrodin is about to be released the first week of October. That also has some new vampires as well.

Zombie Apocalypse plans?

Luke Tague

I always love the topic of "Zombies" I want to know what you guys have thought up for a Zombie Outbreak (obviously not gonna happen but still fun)
My plans go something like this.
When it all begins I would stay home and do pretty much nothing except board up ALL windows and doors, the only entry and exit points of the home would be through the sky lights in my house (one in the kitchen, one upstairs in the master bedroom). My family already own guns, ammo, knives, etc. I would hold out for anywhere from 2weeks to 1months on what supplies we already have⦠After that time I assume everything will have calmed down a bit from what it was from the start. I would then begin scouting the houses in my neighborhood for supplies or survivors to build a strong core group of people to outlast this thing. Hopefully these things would be more along the lines of The Walking Dead rather than World War Z.. haha
After we have plenty of supplies and have drawn up a plan I would head for the country and find a nice farmhouse on tons of land. Eventually digging a moat type setting around the land for the zombies to fall in instead of passing over, going around taking them out as the trenches fill up.
Hopefully we could survive like that and 6months or so in start scouting local CVS, Walgreens, Walmart type places with extreme cautionâ¦. Thats what I thought of off my head⦠What about you all? Tell me if how my plans could be improved

I would kill all the zombies on the second floor of a hotel. Second, block all exit leading to the second floor. Since zombies don't know how to use the elevator, I'm pretty safe! Use air went to get food from the kitchen.

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