March 30, 2014

We are looking for ideas on how to set up the master bedroom without dressers or nightstands.?


Our new place has lots of closets and storage. We are thinking of not going with the norm of bedroom sets and do something different. Suggestions welcome!
We are also not planning on having a television in the room. Any other ideas?

I guess it would depend on how big the room is. If you're planning on buying a new bed you could up-size as long as it doesn't overpower the room. A chaise lounge would be really pretty and you could put a floor lamp next to it for reading. You might also consider a tall mirror - either one you can lean against a wall or a free-standing one. You don't want the room to look too plain so curtains would add some color. Are you putting a TV in the room? An armoire would look good and add some height to the room.

Describe your bedroom, your signs?


Mine's small, cozy and carpetted. I very much like it that way. I have a four-poster bed, long curtains only a few inches above the ground. I have a closet and cupboard which, together, span one entire wall of my room. I like having many fluffy pillows. My ceiling is white, my walls, pale sky blue, my curtains, light yellow-green. My carpet is of a dull green color. It's semi-traditional, semi-modern. The best of both worlds, lol. But then, I have a huge carton where I stuff all my novels, and another one for my textbooks. You'll find packets of candy here and there. Not exactly spic and span, but not that messy or disorganised. I'm thinking of getting a long sofa or armchair...hmmm...well, how about you guys? What about YOUR bedrooms?
As for myself, I'm a Virgo/Sagi/Aqua, who loves her quilt!
aww fire cat. maybe you should look for a nicer, brighter, cozier place to live in then. or is it cause of your job or something, that you tend to move a lot? maybe you should ask a cancer for help, then you'll find the perfect apartment to live in, where you can always be happy ;) oh, and try to get yourself a bed, at least!! you need some comfy piece of furniture, above the ground, to surrender to at the end of the day!!

My bedroom is pretty artistic looking. It has a lot of antiques inc. bed + set, chair and pots/perfume bottles. I have a lot of cool looking antique butterflies hanging all around my walls and a big painted one my aunt brought back from Mexico. I have a star lamp that hangs from a corner in my ceiling. A couple paintings of the goddess Persephone. I have a framed poster of a butterfly that reads, "Change is the essence of life, be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become." I have a stereo system in a corner with a chair where I do most of my writing for music..tons of notebooks full of songs. I have a small shelf with books on the art of tattoos, history of paintings, CSI, old saved up newspaper articles on historic events such as that from 9/11. I have a fairly large closet that is organized by color and type of shirt. My shoes are organized from heels to flats to shoes. My bedding is very "anthropologie" and I have 1950's pillows. And lastly...I know this is soo childish but I have a red velvet teddy bear who is the only male to sleep with me at night :)

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