March 09, 2014

Help me redo my bedroom?


I really want to make my room more cozy(: I am NOT HIPSTER but I do like those types of bedrooms because they seem so, well.. cozy! (: My room right now is dark purple and my bedroom set is kind of vintage (it was my grandmas) so any ideas?

This is a step - by - step guide to help you make your bedroom feel and look warm and cozy.

1. Paint your room. Buy some paint for the room, for example a deep red, chocolate, creams or a beige colour. Basically, the dark colours usually give any room a cozy feeling. And here dark does not have to mean dull.

2. Change the Furniture. Invest in some beanbags, sofa's and other furniture to give it a cozy and welcoming feeling. Or if you feel like it, decorate a small corner in your room and fill it with clean cushions and blankets.

3. Add a comfy bed with sheets that match your paint. Your sheets can be solid white, which will make the room a little more airy. Use pillows at your own discretion! Too many pillows may make the room seem cluttered or childish-- not cozy.

4. Fill it with personality, as in things you like and are personal to you. This will make your room seem friendlier and more welcome. It can be your favourite book, paintings, photos of family and friends.Posters are brilliant to spread on your walls, but give the room a more funky appearance, which may not appear welcoming.

5. Accessorize the room. Add in necessities such as curtains and storage (ottomans are brilliant- they provide storage for random items, can be used as seating, and have a homey feel).

6. Invest in some nice lighting. This does wonders to your room... especially if it is small. You could hang up some nice icicle lights, to give your room a sparkle. A mirror, lighted or not, makes a room seem larger.

I'd like some general Info on setting up a neon Tetra tank?


I'm setting up a neon tetra tank in my bedroom and would like to have a blue light on it. What plants do best with blue lights, how long should I leave the white and/or blue light on..etc...any info on that would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I've read that 5-6 tetra's is a good amount for a 10g?
I should add, I know how to cycle and set up tanks. (this is my second tank, I'd just like more info on lighting and plants.)

Heres some info
The Neon tetra - Forum & Guide on care, feeding, breeding
Pieces of bogwood and plants (dead or alive) will help to keep the water acidic, the bogwood will also release tannins into the water which will give a yellowish/brown tint to the colour of the water, providing these conditions should bring out the best colouration from the Paracheirodon innesi, subdued lighting and using a darker substrate will also help for the best possible colouration.
Optimum colouration for these fish is crucial as they are a shoaling fish and will communicate with their colours, if they are kept in unsuitable conditions then their colours will fade decreasing their ability to communicate to each other as well.
Tank size
Even though Neon tetras are very small fish they will still need a tank that is large enough to house 1 inch of fish per US gallon of water (approximately 0.7 cm â 1 cm of fish length per liter), if you are keeping a large group of these, always bear this in mind. A 5 gallon tank will only be capable of housing 5 neon tetras so such a tank really isnât suitable; To keep the minimum of 10 fish you will need at least a 10 gallon tank. Raising this specie in a fish bowl must be avoided unless a bowl is large enough (50 liters, 13 US gallons, 11 Imperial gallons) with plants, rocks and wood that designate orientation points.
Are Neon tetras fish for beginners?
Many aquatic stores sell these as beginners fish but this is a very bad practice as they mislead customers into thinking that they are an easy species to keep and are very hardy. This is just not true, they should never be added to a new tank setup, they should only be added to a tank that is fully cycled and the water has matured for at least two months. Often keepers will buy these fish and check the tank the next morning only to find that some of the neon tetras have disappeared!
Temperament and Tank mates Generally, Neon tetras are very shy which is noticeable if you keep only 2 or 3 of them. Roots of this behavior originate from their natural environment, size, position in the food chain - these fish are not predators, instead they try to group themselves in large shoals and hide from predators in roots or fallen wood in the rivers of South America which are naturally full of fallen wood, roots of trees and plants. Such an environment offers a lot of hiding places. If you place a few Neon tetras to a completely empty tank (that's filled with water only), they will suffer which leads to diseases and premature death.
Neon's are compatible with peaceful species of fish that are not a lot bigger than themselves. They do well with Corydoras, other species of the smaller Tetras and Rasboras. I have often seen them kept with the incorrect tank mates such as Acara's, Paradise fish, Oscar's and the keepers couldn't understand why they are disappearing with no trace, if they did their homework and researched the species they would know why. Peaceful Pleco's are generally good tank mates for Neon tetras, even loaches such as Yoyo loach, Zebra loach, Horseface loach or Tiger hillstream loach can be kept with these tetras. Guppies, Mollies or Platies can be raised with Neon's too.
If you already run a community tank, feed your fish and turn off lights before adding your Neon's into the tank.

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