January 03, 2014

How do I bring up a sex fantasy with boyfriend?

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I know it sounds strange, or perhaps immoral, but I've always wanted to do a rape fantasy.
But I'm afraid my boyfriend will think I'm a freak for wanting to do such a fantasy.
So how exactly do I bring up such a topic to him?
This is honestly a serious questions so no immature answers please!
Thank you so much!

Somehow, especially among youths, sexual adventurousness has been tarred with the other meaning of being undesirably abnormal. Ditto with genitalia and trash. It's a bit sickening just how sex-negative kids are these days.

A female taking the receptive or submissive role in rough or forced sex is a pretty mainstream fantasy, and he might be more receptive to it than you think. Take the standard precautions: set up a safe word, talk much about it before and after, agree that what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom.

What is it like being a Pharmacists wife in the air force?


My husband would really like to join as a pharmacist but I am nervous about it all. What is it like on base and can you have dogs? What are the officers homes like? Thanks
My husband has been a pharmacist for 5yrs now. We also have 2 small children..

1. Is he wanting to go in as a pharmacist or a pharmacist tech? Unless he is already a pharmacist or at least has his bachelors, he'll be going in enlisted as a tech.
2. In the hospital, he'll have pretty normal hours, M-F. There will be some shift work, but only occasionally. A lot, too, will depend upon the size of the hospital he gets assigned to... is it a full blown hospital, a small one, or just clinics, with or without an ER.
3. Home life is what you make of it. IF you get base housing, there are rules and regs regarding the number and breed of animals that you may have. Remember, housing is not a given, it is a privilege. You may also choose to live off base, in which case he'll recieve BAH, which will help off set the rent and utilities. But know that it only covers about 85% of actual expenses. Current base... doesn't even come close to that 85%!!
4. Housing varies from base to base. Some bases, officer housing is identical to NCO housing. Others, it's much better, some it's actually worse. At one base, only Majors and up had AC and dishwashers in O housing, but SSgts and up had it in E housing. Our current base... SNCO housing is identical to O-3 through O-5, with Chief housing being the same as O-6.

ETA: Awesome! Ok, for housing you would be allotted a 3, possibly 4, bedroom house. A lot depends upon what is available and that bases procedures. (One base that had identical housing, gave O's 1 extra bedroom.)
On base you'll find day care, library, youth centers, play groups, MOPS (through the Chapel), and lots of playgrounds. Some youth centers are great about offering a variety of classes for all ages, and all have sports programs from Pee-Wee to early teen. Classes are based on instructors available. (If there is no one certified to teach gymnastics.. no gymnastics classes) Library will also have the normal story time options, and a children section. The family advocacy program usually runs some play groups, for different ages and interests.
Also, many bases have at least an elementary school either on base or very close to the base. The schools fall under the jurisdiction of the local district.
All in all, it's like living in a small town!
As for your role as a spouse... that's up to you. You can be involved as little or as much as you like. But know, that as hubby goes up in rank and title, you'll be expected to participate more and more. You will also be able to be active in the Med Group spouses group, and the OSC. (Officer spouses club) Working outside of the home is a personal choice, some do and some don't. Many that don't are involved in volunteer work on the base or in the community. Again, it's all a personal choice.

If he decides to join, you'll be welcomed into the family and made to feel right at home!
Good luck!!

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