December 15, 2013

What should I do with my home?

bedroom set atlanta
 on Furniture outlet, mattresses, bedroom sets. Atlanta, GA
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I live in Atlanta and I am going to be taking a 6-12 month contract in another state. I have a nice 3 bedroom home 2.5 bathroom home about 12 miles from downtown (in the suburbs) but it is not in an attraction area nor is it set up like a vacation home. I don't want my home to just sit idel for that long period of time and I don't want to sell it because I will be coming back to town once a month and at the end of the contract, I will be moving back in it. I am worried about renting it out for fear of someone tearing it up but I may have to do this. What shoudl I do with it? Should I try to rent it out weekly as a vacation home? Any other suggestions?

If money is not a problem with you, hire a caretaker for your home while you are gone. Somebody to check on it, clean it and make it ready for you to come home to. Install an alarm system before you go. Post the warnings. Stop all newspapers and mail. Get timers for the lamps. Tell the neighbors you will be gone. Good Luck!

How is it like living in a dorm?


Is it better or worse than an apartment? What about the studying? I heard that some neighbors are noisy, and they have orgy everyday. What about the rent? Does the dorms are cheaper than apartments? Thank a lots in advance.

I lived in the dorms my first year of college. Dorm life can be lots of fun and lots of not so fun. I had a total of 4 roommates (our dormatories were giant 4 bedroom apartments... very nice... some colleges are not so lucky). The rent was basically $6000 for a whole year (ran from aug-july and included all utilities/cable/internet/washer/dryer... but no phone, most ppl just had cell phones). My college was in Atlanta and I loved being in the city. My roommates were pretty cool. We occasionally disagreed on air conditioning, cleaning, laundry, etc, but for the most part we all got along. My roommates did like to throw lots of parties (and you definitely have to be careful with alcohol on campus!) and it affected my grades (so be careful). To avoid fights over parties, utilities, etc. you definitely need to set grounds rules when everyone moves in. Find a common ground on air temp, laundry routines, study hours, food storage, etc. When we first movied in, our RA (resident assistant) made us all sign a contract that agreed us to our own set house rules. We all had to sign it and basically if a problem arose we would refer back to the rules. This may seem kinda silly, but it makes things official and gets things out in the open. For the most part, I liked living in the dorms. Its a good experience. You are really on your own and you learn to manage a house. It can be frustrating at times (especially when everyone was raised differently and do things differently), but its really awesome when you share classes with your roommates. My roommate and I shared American Gov class, but I never went to class (no attendance policy). It was great, I got the notes and assignments without going to class (made a B in the class).

I hope that was useful. Let me know if you have anymore questions!

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