December 13, 2013

how to add awesomeness to my teen bedroom?

queen of hearts bedroom
queen of hearts bedroom image

Q. Need inspiration, im a thirteen year old girl and like pretty much everything. just anything i could make for my bedroom.

When I was 15 I went through the stage of completely re-designing my small four wall room and I'm so glad I did because I love my room! First I chose the theme I'd be going for which is really girly! I have dark blue carpet but I did not let this bother me. So I painted three of my walls purple and added purple hearts as a border in the middle of each wall horizontally, and then one wall hot pink with black stencils ontop, it made my room so much more brighter! I then decorated most things in pink and purple to match the walls.. and having the furniture either white or silver to break away from all the colours. The paint was cheap for my walls, one large can of purple, one large can of hot pink and one small can of black. I got one of my family members to paint my walls and then my mother stenciled black patterns onto one of my walls so there was no cost in hiring a painter to paint my room!

I then bought new bed sheets and pillows in bright colours to make my room really bright and girly, and accessorised mainly in pink, purple and bright colours. Things like candles are cheap and look really good in your room, also a bonus that they smell really nice!

With your old furniture, you can still change it for a cheap price. I have all white furniture apart from the new silver queen size bed i bought and silver accesories around my room. What I did was kept my white dressing table with the mirror attatched but simply removed the original knobs that were on each drawer and bought silver round knobs which matched my bed, that was a great idea to do instead of the ugly little girl floral knobs I had on it originally!

Accesories with picture frames of your heroes or singers/actors that you like, and a few with your friends of course! All you will be paying for is a new bed, paint, new bed sheets and pillows, few candles and picture frames and you should be set!

Here's some photos of my room for inspiration and ideas, enjoy!

Can you tell me about Louis XVI and his relationship with the government?


I couldn't find it on the web. Can you tell me about it in a paragraph or more?

Thanks for your help.

Louis himself was very popular and not unobliging to the social, political and economic reforms of the Revolution. Recent scholarship has concluded that Louis suffered from clinical depression which left him prone to bouts of severe indecisiveness, during which times his wife, the less intelligent and more unpopular Queen Marie Antoinette, assumed effective responsibility for acting for the Crown. The revolution's principles of popular sovereignty, though central to democratic principles of later eras, marked a decisive break from the absolute monarchical principle of throne and altar that was at the heart of contemporary governance. As a result, the revolution was opposed by almost all of the previous governing elite in France, and by practically all the governments of Europe. Leading figures in the initial revolutionary movement themselves were questioning on the principles of popular control of government, some, notably Honoré Mirabeau, secretly plotting to restore the power of the Crown in a new form of constitutionality.

However Mirabeau's sudden death, and Louis's depression, fatally weakened developments in that area. While Louis was nowhere near as reactionary as his right wing brothers, the comte d'Artois and the comte de Provence, and he sent repeated messages publicly and privately calling on them to halt their attempts to launch counter-coups (often through his secretly nominated regent, former minister de Brienne) he was alienated from the new government both by its challenging of the traditional role of the monarch and in its treatment of him and his family. He was particularly irked by being kept effective prisoner in the Tuileries, where his wife was forced humiliatingly to have revolutionary soldiers in her private bedroom watching her as she slept, and by the refusal of the new regime to allow him to have Catholic confessors and priests of his choice rather than 'constitutional priests' created by the revolution.

Louis was tried (from December 11, 1792) and convicted of high treason before the National Assembly. He was sentenced to death (January 17 1793) by guillotine with 361 votes to 288, with 72 effective abstentions.

King Louis XVI was guillotined in front of a cheering crowd on January 21 1793. On his death, his eight-year-old son, Louis-Charles de France, automatically became to royalists and some international states the de jure King Louis XVII of France, the 'lost dauphin'.

His wife, Marie Antoinette, followed him to the guillotine on October 16 1793. He died as Citizen Louis Capet

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