December 29, 2013

Financial: Transition from Teenager to Adulthood?

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I'm seventeen going on eighteen and I want to make sure my plans are set for my adult life, if they seem too far fetched or not, and to see if my backup plans are secure.

What sort of career paths can I take without much schooling? I have experience in computer programming, web design and development, as well as a lot of mathematics under my belt (calculus classes and what not). I'm going to get into game development over the Summer, but are there any careers that I can be a part of with what little I have? I have no degrees, other than high school graduation.

I live in California, based off of what I read, minimum wage is $8 an hour. If you work more than 8 hours in one work day, they pay you 1.5x more. So,
10 hours/day:$88/day
223 Work days/year: $19,624/year
Is that enough to make a living on, assuming that I find a job that offers those hours with minimum wage?

Finally, if both of those plans seem to fail, I will go back into school and get a PhD in bioengineering, how much will this whole process cost? I'll worry about scholarship programs and whatnot, but I want to know how much it would cost to:
Go to a University
Pay for all the classes
Pay for room/board
Time it will take, and average Student Loan interest rates

Thank you for your time

Start with most employers will not approve overtime since it costs them more - plan on 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week...2080 hours per year times $8 is closer to $16,640 (before taxes and other deductions). Figure you will lose 20% of that to taxes (maybe a bit less) so you lose $3,200 to taxes, leaving you with take home pay of $13,400 annually. Unless you plan on living at home or finding a cheap apartment with 2 or 3 other roommates, probably not enough to live on your own. You're looking at a minimum of $500 for a rundown 1 bedroom apartment - $6,000 per year minimum - leaves you with $7,400. You will probably spend $50 per week on food and toiletries - there's another $2,500 per year...down to $4,900. Another $100 for utilities per month...$1,200 - down to $3,700. Then your phone, cable and internet will be another $200/month - $2,400 -down to $1,300. Got a car? I'll give you a break and only charge $1,000 a year for insurance (probably a bunch more). Down to $300 and you still haven't bought any clothes, got your haircut, filled up your tank with gas or been to the dentist or doctor.

Okay, now your second option - PhD will cost you 4 years for under grad, 2 to 3 years for your masters and another 2 to 3 years for your PhD - there goes 8 to 10 years of schooling - maybe more if you work and can't do close to a full load.

The undergrad in biology, even at a state school will probably run you close to $50,000 - at a private school close to $1000,000 to $125,000. The masters will probably run $40,000 (figure 39 total credits at $800 to $1,000 per credit plus books, fees, etc.). The PhD pretty much the same - $40,000. So, even at the cheapest, you are looking at $130,000 up to $230,000 for your PhD. interest rates will probably be up around 8% annually. The hard part is going from undergard to Masters to PhD - at each level the competition for openings gets tougher (fewer slots) and the entrance requirements go up.

what would be the size of my house if i went into the military?


i have a young daughter and a wife plus a large dog. if i go into the army as an e-1 or e-2 what will my housing be like , btw im thinking either army or air force , thank you

Yeah, on base housing would be a 2 bedroom say about 900-1,200 sq ft. Perhaps it would be a row house, or at least a duplex. Of course, overseas it's a little tighter quarters usually. I've been in the military for 20 years, and I lived in housing ony 5 of them. I have NEVER, EVER had a problem with pets being allowed. Just be aware you WILL have to pay a pet deposit, which is usually unrefundable. Some deposits go as high as $500 and that is on YOU, not the military to pay.

A word of advice. If your BAH is $X, set your rent at 80% of X. Your BAH is NOT supposed to be just for rent, but also for a portion of your utilities (water, electric, gas). Cable and phone is on you, but don't be house poor... try to get rent for under the BAH.

Good luck.

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