December 14, 2013

Adding on to my home cost and which way is better?

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I have and all brick ranch built in 1964 and about 1800sqft, there is no masters just three small bedrooms and two baths one up and one bath down. I was thinking of adding a master above the house or convert the garage. How much do you think it will cost me in Atlanta, GA and which way would be cheaper, convert the garage or add on top of the house?

Hello. My name is Richie. I am an electrician and a home improvement expert. I will help you the best I can. I am a professional electrician and a PT electrical associate for Lowes in Fayetteville.
I live near Atlanta, Fayetteville actually, and if you need me to, I can come and give you and estimate.
You will have many contractors that will hit you for several thousand dollars. I myself don't do home improvements for a glorious amount of money. I did one job at a Think Sushi in downtown Atlanta that was quoted at over $15,000. I did it for $3000.
First you need to determine where you want it. Upstairs? Is it an attic and will it hold up flor space? Do you want to install a bathroom in this room too? If you decide on the garage, it would be more simple but when the cold weather hits, you may wish you had it again.
In this room is the electrical. You will need almost two switches for light and ceiling fan, outlets, and other additional power requirements such as an extra outlet for an A/C window unit. Most electricians look to hit you for at least $1000. That is just labor.
Then there is HVAC. Running air ducts and returns is easy but the bill will rise there too.
Then you need a drywaller and drywall finisher. This can set you back another $1000 and then if he does a half hitched job, he got his money and is gone.
Another option is, do you use all three bedrooms? Is there someone sleeping in all three? If not, knock out a wall and make two rooms into one. It can be done without exhausting you garage.
Once you decide what you want to do, hire a good contractor. If you wish to find someone like myself that does it as a hobby and who cares how the job is done, then do not pay until the job is done. I will not accept any payment until the job is done.
Good luck and God Bless. Jesus Christ loves you.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at I am a God fearing Christian and I would love to help.

What are the translated lyrics to "Kugutsuuta kagirohi ha yomi ni mata muto"from Ghost in the shell innocence?


I have been looking for the lyrics for a presentation for one of my classes. We were asked to bring in a piece of music that no one else might of ever hear of and I wanted to bring this is with the translation. I know that most of these songs were part of shinto prayers. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you very much to R>V<N for your answer but unfortunately the song's lyrics that you had are not the same as the one on the song. Thank you for the effort though! I appreciate it and I will be able to use those pictures you provided. I am very grateful.

The song's length is 9:47 long give or take a second. The only hint i have to it is a comment I found about dancing foxes.

Hello ,
I could not find the lyrics but I found something that may suit you according to the criteria of your question but it is from the first Ghost In The Shell anime film ;
"Choral song
According to the soundtrack's liner notes, the haunting choral song that plays throughout the film is a wedding song, sung to get rid of all evil influences that are about to follow. The lyrics of the song itself seems to reflect the union between Kusanagi and Project 2501 which takes place towards the end of the movie. Kenji Kawai originally wanted to use Bulgarian folk singers, but was unable to find any, so he relied on the Japanese folk song choir he used earlier in the Ranma 1/2 anime. The song uses an ancient form of the Japanese language mixed with Bulgarian harmony and traditional Japanese notes.
[edit] Lyrics
1. å¾ãèã¸ã°ãéºã女ãéã²ã«ããï¼ããã¾ã¸ã°ããã¯ããããã²ã«ããï¼
A ga maeba, kuwashime yoinikeriï¼ããã¾ãã°ããããããããã«ããï¼
Because I had danced, the beautiful lady was enchanted
2. å¾ãèã¸ã°ãç§ãæãé¿ããªãï¼ããã¾ã¸ã°ãã¦ãã¤ããã¨ãããªãï¼
A ga maeba, terutsuki toyomunariï¼ããã¾ãã°ãã¦ãã¤ããã¨ãããªãï¼
Because I had danced, the shining moon echoed
3. çµå©ã«ãç¥ã天ä¸ãã¦ï¼ãã°ã²ã«ããã¿ããã¾ãã ãã¦ï¼
Yobai ni, kami amakudariteï¼ãã°ãã«ããã¿ããã¾ãã ãã¦ï¼
Proposing marriage, the god shall descend
4. å¤ã¯æãã鵺鳥ãé³´ãï¼ãã¯ãããã¬ã¸ã¨ãããªãï¼
Yo wa ake, nuedori nakuï¼ãã¯ãããã¬ãã©ãããªãï¼
The night clears away and the chimera bird (White's Thrush) will sing
5. é ç¥æµè³ï¼ã¨ã»ããã¿ããã¿ãããï¼
Toh kami, emi tameï¼ã¨ãããã¿ããã¿ãããï¼
The distant god may give us the precious blessing!
[edit] Cultural analysis of lyrics
Married nobles in the Japanese pre-feudal era typically slept in separate bedrooms. Sneaking into the bedroom of a love interest constituted a proposal for marriage. Therefore, the third line may be understood as "yobahi/nightly crawl into bedroom" rather than "kekkon/wedding."
A sterling bird is mentioned in 4th line. When this bird sings at dawn, it is considered an ominous sign because its song is believed to be less melodic than other birds and thus baleful.
The fifth line is a set of Shinto "god words". In the ancient days when Shinto relied on more shamanic rituals, a turtle shell was burned to reveal a fortune and special words were said to proclaim that the truth had been revealed. These words eventually became a prayer used to cleanse impurities.
The last line of the song was overdubbed in the international release of the film with "One Minute Warning", a song by U2 and Brian Eno. Some speculate that this edit was done for marketing purposes by Manga Entertainment, one of the major financiers of the film.[weasel words] "
I will check around some more though .


Post - Edit ; "The Ballad of Puppets: The Ghost Waits In The World Beyond" seems to be the English translation of "Kugutsuuta kagirohi ha yomi ni mata muto".
PPE ; I did find these images that may be of benefit should you choose to augment your presentation with visuals ;

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