queen bedroom sets on sale

im moving and im planing on buying a new bedroom set but not a new matress anyway this http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/ProductsHOM.aspx?DeptID=40525&CatID=40677&CatTyp=DEP&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=ENS&ItemID=107e7e5&ProdSeq=11&Cat=wood+beds&Dep=Furniture&PCat=BEDROOM+SETS&PCatID=40564&RefPage=ProductList&Sale=&ProdCount=25&RecPtr=&ShowMenu=&TTYP=&ShopBy=0&RefPageName=CategoryAll.aspx&RefCatID=40564&RefDeptID=40525&Page=99&CmCatId=40525|40529|40564|40677 is the set i want but it doesnt come in the right size for my matress so if you know a website where i can find something similar thatd be great
just let me know the website
You can get a metal bed frame with adapter plates that will allow you to bolt on your HB and FB, but use your full-sized mattress instead of the queen-size. The only thing you would not be using would be the rails that come with the bed (if there are any). Any mattress store in your town carries metal frames, and they can help you choose the right one for the bed you are buying.
You can get a metal bed frame with adapter plates that will allow you to bolt on your HB and FB, but use your full-sized mattress instead of the queen-size. The only thing you would not be using would be the rails that come with the bed (if there are any). Any mattress store in your town carries metal frames, and they can help you choose the right one for the bed you are buying.
How to tell if furniture is of good quality?

I found a set of furniture: queen sized headboard, dresser with mirror, smaller dresser and nightstand at a local place for $800 before taxes.
It looks like it's sturdy but I'm having second thoughts about it. Is there any way to tell if furniture is going to last or not?
Look closely at the construction,make sure its solid wood and not half wood,half mdf.before you commit to such a high price,check out craigslist or want ads,my brother just got a brand new king sized bedroom set for 500,retailed 4000! Also,if your paying in full ask if theres a discount,a lot of times they will give you one if you pay cash.And dont be afraid to ask questions,a lot of times sales people will steer you to better goods for less if your friendly.
Look closely at the construction,make sure its solid wood and not half wood,half mdf.before you commit to such a high price,check out craigslist or want ads,my brother just got a brand new king sized bedroom set for 500,retailed 4000! Also,if your paying in full ask if theres a discount,a lot of times they will give you one if you pay cash.And dont be afraid to ask questions,a lot of times sales people will steer you to better goods for less if your friendly.
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