bedroom set modern design

Rachel R.
I am remodeling my bedroom and I can't think of colors. I was thinking of using light blue, light green, and forget-me-not purple, but those are not modern colors and I want a modern bedroom. I like black and white. My walls are light pink and the carpet is a pale gray (hopefully we can get rid of that soon). This is an emergency!!! Please help!!!
I like black and white combo too, you could have a white wall and have sophisticated black designs on it either in flowers or just artistic designs or on your pink wall have black designs, then have small accessories that are hot pink and put hot pink flowers in black and white striped vases, also get a comforter set that is black and white with designs, or contrast it with pink comforter set with black pillows, this way it would make your room look modern yet sophisticated and use black furniture, white or mohogany, but black looks great
I like black and white combo too, you could have a white wall and have sophisticated black designs on it either in flowers or just artistic designs or on your pink wall have black designs, then have small accessories that are hot pink and put hot pink flowers in black and white striped vases, also get a comforter set that is black and white with designs, or contrast it with pink comforter set with black pillows, this way it would make your room look modern yet sophisticated and use black furniture, white or mohogany, but black looks great
Where can i buy the canvas art set that is in this room?

The first room that is mostly purple and white has a canvas art set above the bed. Do you know where i can buy that. Please (if possible) send me a link.
That isn't a photo, it's actually a computer generated image (CGI) which means the art might not exist in real life. However, hopefully you can find something similar. Try an image search on "5 piece canvas art set orchid" - the closest thing I found was this:
That isn't a photo, it's actually a computer generated image (CGI) which means the art might not exist in real life. However, hopefully you can find something similar. Try an image search on "5 piece canvas art set orchid" - the closest thing I found was this:
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