November 21, 2013

Is it illegal to throw 20 small pebbles at someones bedroom window in Dallas Texas and than leave the scene?

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Q. Every night at 11:00pm 4 hooded children come by my driveway and throw 20 small pebbles at my bedroom window, and than run away. I want to know if I have the right to prosecute.

I know because I counted. From the dates of May 28th 2012-Present.

Is it exactly 20 every time? Is it some kind of ritual?

Me? I'd set snare traps out near the driveway, dress up in a wolf skin and paint my face with blood-red war markings, and have a bonfire all laid out and soaked with gasoline so I could tie them up and scare the bejeezus out of them with a pagan ritual of my own. Court is boring.

Also.. if you get the police involved they'll redouble their efforts to make you miserable as soon as they finish their ten hours of community service.

Curtain and Bed set ideas for a Blue walled Bedroom with grey white carpet?

I have a Columbia blue room. On 2 walls there are 2 colors sponged on but very lightly( green and a kind of pale yellow. On the 2 other walls there is the Columbia blue but then there are darker streaks of blue. I did not paint these walls, or choose the colors, but it is not an option to repaint. I am tying to get new curtains and new bed set. For my windows there is a white rim. Do you guys have any ideas for what I could get? I also would appreciate it if you would give me a website or a picture of the room that you found the bed idea in. If not thats okay too, I would like as many ideas as possible:) thank you so much
In a few year we will be getting wood floors, I don't know if this matters but... yea haha:) Thanks again!

Wow. I'd like to see a photo of that paint job. Whew.

Well, you seem to have a good attitude about it so I commend you for that.

You definitely need to stay away from any kind of pattern in your fabrics. Go with one color and I would imagine the lighter the better, I'd imagine. White or pale yellow might be good.

Or one option might be to EMBRACE THE COLUMBIA BLUE since it is the unifying color in all the walls! Maybe get white curtains and bedspread but go with the columbia blue in all your pillows and accessories with some white accents, too!

These photos may not be your colors, but they show how plain colors are what's needed to tone down the busyness of your sponged painted walls:

Here's an idea that could help cover the busy walls and should be inexpensive. Though the photo shows several busy fabrics in the hoops (or in any shape) on a plain wall - reverse it! If you decide on a specific color then put that in hoops of several sizes to maybe tone down the walls.

One idea I might suggest is to pick which 2 wall colors you could easiest live with, then cover the other two walls with something.

Since you cannot paint, how about ceiling to floor and wall to wall curtains? Pick one of the colors from the walls you will keep exposed, or use white, and get plain colored sheets and hang them on the walls. Ikea has great ideas on how to hang curtains but if your budget is really low, just hang them flat with staples or push pins.

If your budget is really low, get large sheets of craft paper hung with removable tape as tiles in a brick fashion:

Or rolls of butcher paper, and use removable tape, staples or push pins to hang. Then, if you want, you could write or draw on your walls, too!

Another idea is folding screens. Find them at rummage sales and paint them the color of your choice to help hide the 2 walls you want to cover up.

You can go to the dollar stores in your area and look for sheets, rugs, fabric, paper, place mats, anything inexpensively that you can use to hang. Again, I would stick with plain colors but you never know - maybe something might inspire you there and you'll come up we a great idea of your own!

Here are several ideas for you to check out. Notice in the first photo how they worked with the colors in the various patterns. That's the idea - pick UNIFYING colors.

Wall art! Make as big or small as you want!

Hope some of this has helped. I wish you the best in your decorating.

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