November 29, 2013

Girl and boy sharing bedroom decorating advice?

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 on ... Bedroom Sets: Its All about Storage - Kids Bedroom Furniture
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Sierra L

My two kids. are 7 year olds and will be sharing a room. One a girl and one a boy. What are some cute bedroom sets that will go together well or were meant to be together, that will look great in their room.

I wouldn't go with a theme, I would make it colorful, like paint the walls and have neutral curtains and light fixtures but I would be sure that they each had a shelf or some kind of storage to call their own that they can have their things on. I would keep the bedspreads the same color but put pillows and little touches that are different on the beds. For example, a red ladybug pillow for her and a red car pillow for him. The ideas are endless in my head right now. I'm sure you'll come up with something great and they'll love it. Take care.

What Do YouNeed For An Apartment?


We are moving into an apartment on June 4th. This is the first time we will be living on our own. What will we absolutly need for the first week or two? We already bought our living room and bedroom set and a tv. We also bought a small garbage can, forks/spoons/butter knives, small storage bowls, 15 tall glasses, and 4 of those mats you put in the cabinets to put your dishes on. What do we deff need besides what i listed to make it through the first 2 weeks. (BESIDES FOOD. lol)

1. some kind of lighting (lamps and light bulbs) for rooms which have no overhead light
2. bath towels, soap, shampoo and razor
3. dish towels, dish soap, dish drainer and a few sponges
4. oven mitt and pans - fry pan plus a pan to bake or broil food
5. clothes hangers
6. bed linens and pillows
7. laundry detergent & a laundry hamper or bag
8. paper towels/napkins; toilet paper, Kleenex, a toilet plunger & small waste basket for your bathroom
9. renter's insurance to cover all of your belongings in the apartment
10. cleaning products: comet (for sinks & toilets), disinfectant (Lysol)
11. broom and dust pan (& vacuum?)

This is a good start! Others may think of more....

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