The Orion
My wife and I cook Indian food because we are from India. Thats not the problem. The real problem is we are up here in the midwest where it gets really cold in the winter and air doesnt get arround that much. As a result the entire house smells horrible and when ever I go out I end up smelling like a fu&8o99ing dumpster. Can anybody help us how to rid of this this problem ? How to keep our house smelling clean and at the same time continue cooking spicy fciiuouoing Indian food.
I cook quite a bit of seafood, and some dishes definitely taste better than the odor left over would indicate. The only Indian dishes I cook from scratch are various curries and yes, the smell does linger. Here are some things you can do.
1. EXHAUST FAN: Run the exhaust fan on your range the entire time that you are cooking and for at least 30 minutes after the food is done.
2. OSCILLATING FAN: Purchase an oscillating fan to get the stagnant air moving around.
3. AIR PURIFIER: Set up an air purifier near wherever your clothes are stored.
4. DOORS: Batten down the hatches. When I'm cooking, I close all doors leading to the bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry room, closets, etc.
5. GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Use it for everything that will go down without damaging it. I even pour oil followed by a good dose of boiling water so it doesn't clog the pipes. Save anything pleasantly fragrant like apple cores, citrus rinds, coffee grounds, or tea leaves, and send down the garbage disposal after you've done your final kitchen cleaning for the day.
6. BOIL: I simmer cinnamon sticks, lemons or limes, and even lavender Fabuloso once in a pot of water on the stove to kill especially strong odors.
7. OUST: Of all the spray deodorizers I have tried, Oust is the best at neutralizing air born odors. If you have gotten rid of the source of the odor, then Oust will pretty much knock it out. Febreeze is good for fabrics but the aerosol does not almost compare with Oust.
8. SEAL: If a pot has a lid, put it on. If a pan doesn't have a lid, put foil paper over it. If a dish can go into a plastic container, put it in and seal the lid. If something smelly is going to sit in the trash can overnight, put it in a ziploc bag or empty bread bag before dropping it in. If you open the lid to your trash can and any odor greats you, tie the top and take it out even if it is only 1/3 full and cold outside.
9. VINEGAR: It's a natural deodorizer. I keep some in a spray bottle and spritz the walls with it from time to time, especially if I have fried something in oil. It smells pretty foul when it first goes on but odors dissipate as it evaporates
10. BAKING SODA: Keep a box in the fridge and the freezer. Change it once a month. Sprinkle some at the bottom of the trash can.
I cook quite a bit of seafood, and some dishes definitely taste better than the odor left over would indicate. The only Indian dishes I cook from scratch are various curries and yes, the smell does linger. Here are some things you can do.
1. EXHAUST FAN: Run the exhaust fan on your range the entire time that you are cooking and for at least 30 minutes after the food is done.
2. OSCILLATING FAN: Purchase an oscillating fan to get the stagnant air moving around.
3. AIR PURIFIER: Set up an air purifier near wherever your clothes are stored.
4. DOORS: Batten down the hatches. When I'm cooking, I close all doors leading to the bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry room, closets, etc.
5. GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Use it for everything that will go down without damaging it. I even pour oil followed by a good dose of boiling water so it doesn't clog the pipes. Save anything pleasantly fragrant like apple cores, citrus rinds, coffee grounds, or tea leaves, and send down the garbage disposal after you've done your final kitchen cleaning for the day.
6. BOIL: I simmer cinnamon sticks, lemons or limes, and even lavender Fabuloso once in a pot of water on the stove to kill especially strong odors.
7. OUST: Of all the spray deodorizers I have tried, Oust is the best at neutralizing air born odors. If you have gotten rid of the source of the odor, then Oust will pretty much knock it out. Febreeze is good for fabrics but the aerosol does not almost compare with Oust.
8. SEAL: If a pot has a lid, put it on. If a pan doesn't have a lid, put foil paper over it. If a dish can go into a plastic container, put it in and seal the lid. If something smelly is going to sit in the trash can overnight, put it in a ziploc bag or empty bread bag before dropping it in. If you open the lid to your trash can and any odor greats you, tie the top and take it out even if it is only 1/3 full and cold outside.
9. VINEGAR: It's a natural deodorizer. I keep some in a spray bottle and spritz the walls with it from time to time, especially if I have fried something in oil. It smells pretty foul when it first goes on but odors dissipate as it evaporates
10. BAKING SODA: Keep a box in the fridge and the freezer. Change it once a month. Sprinkle some at the bottom of the trash can.
My wife says she doesn't love me anymore and wants a divorce. How to deal?

I'm in my early 40's. Been married 14 years and have 2 kids under 11. We moved to a different state for her work. My wife declared that she wanted a divorce over a year ago. She really didn't give couples therapy much of a chance. We have both.been in individual therapy all year. I've tried desperately to try to save this marriage all year long and my wife isn't responding to my attempts or meeting me half way. I don't know how to deal with the divorce. I don't have family anywhere near here. My good friends are 500 miles a way or more. My daughter already has special needs and I'm afraid of what the divorce will do to her further. I know that I'm supposed to.be doing things to rebuild myself...and I am. I lost 43 pounds, I'm taking RCIA classes at my church, I'm more involved in my son's cub scouts and I've learned a ton about relationships this year. I just dread starting.over in the dating pool again at 43. I fear marriage right now. I'm used to.having somebody to hang out with.and.plan our future together. Together, my.wife and I.had very good salaries. With just one salary, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to.pursue.life goals like saving for college for the kids or retirement. I'm overwhelmed. My wife is upstairs, but won't let me sleep in the same bed. I have a strong need to reconnect with her. The other day we did lay in bed together and just cuddled and it felt so good and emotionally satisfying because we hadnt done that in ages. People at work are being supportive, but the quality of my.work.has slipped and I'm having a hard time focussing. Any suggestions on how to deal with all of this?
We had a rough four years after we moved. My daughter was diagnosed with adhd and it took awhile before they were able to get it under control with medicine. My wife was unemployed for 8 months. I had to work with India at night and do my.regular job during the day. I became sleep deprived and grumpy. We didn't ha
Welcome to our imperfect world, where life deals you "lemons" and it's your job to make lemonade out of them! Seriously guy, welcome to the world of all us who have loved, married, had children, jobs, been transferred, had special issues with our children, been unemployed...You are, NOT ALONE.
Faith is an important facet of survival in this life, as is love. I am a widow now and I completely understand your fear about dating - for it's a very different world out there. But please don't cling to something that isn't there any longer with your wife - have the hard discussion of how to move forward and what she would like and what is the least impact to the children, etc. Continue with the church and therapy, improving yourself really. It SOUNDS like you "pushed" a lot of her "buttons" for years and weren't very involved, in tune, in sync and it finally came to a grinding half - she gave up. I do not know this for fact, as I say? It just sounds like it. She feels she can't move forward in life with you as a partner. Painful perhaps but true. That does NOT mean you can't continue to be a father to your child and co-parent. BTW? Special needs kids, if ADHD is all that you're dealing with? Can be helped to grow and learn about HOW to cope in their life with their schoolwork and with the help of setting routine in regard to homework and cleaning their bedrooms, etc. Beats autism!
You need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and carry on my man, for that is what we parents MUST do when things fall apart. Further? You and your wife need to follow through with the divorce and simultaneously have discussions about how you're going to go parent and where you'll live (not far away I hope) and all the particulars. You must accept this, life isn't perfect and no one promised you a "rose garden" and we all pay for our "sins" of the present and past, one way or another. Stop fighting WHAT IS and DEAL WITH IT, or you will be of no use to the children that need you...In another year or two, as you step out and away from this situation? You will have renewed yourself in OTHER ways that MATTER to your well being...But you must be proactive, no one is going to do it for you.
This is what being an adult, if very often these days, all about...Carrying on in the face of the adversity that has come our way. I had several serious life crisises in my marriage that seemed like the world was truly coming to an end...But I also had faith; kept my positive outlook that it would work out...and invariably, inevitably it did...Oh not the way I planned or wanted...But it all did work out.
-And so it will with you IF, you continue with helping yourself and start the conversation about the future and do it NOW.
Welcome to our imperfect world, where life deals you "lemons" and it's your job to make lemonade out of them! Seriously guy, welcome to the world of all us who have loved, married, had children, jobs, been transferred, had special issues with our children, been unemployed...You are, NOT ALONE.
Faith is an important facet of survival in this life, as is love. I am a widow now and I completely understand your fear about dating - for it's a very different world out there. But please don't cling to something that isn't there any longer with your wife - have the hard discussion of how to move forward and what she would like and what is the least impact to the children, etc. Continue with the church and therapy, improving yourself really. It SOUNDS like you "pushed" a lot of her "buttons" for years and weren't very involved, in tune, in sync and it finally came to a grinding half - she gave up. I do not know this for fact, as I say? It just sounds like it. She feels she can't move forward in life with you as a partner. Painful perhaps but true. That does NOT mean you can't continue to be a father to your child and co-parent. BTW? Special needs kids, if ADHD is all that you're dealing with? Can be helped to grow and learn about HOW to cope in their life with their schoolwork and with the help of setting routine in regard to homework and cleaning their bedrooms, etc. Beats autism!
You need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and carry on my man, for that is what we parents MUST do when things fall apart. Further? You and your wife need to follow through with the divorce and simultaneously have discussions about how you're going to go parent and where you'll live (not far away I hope) and all the particulars. You must accept this, life isn't perfect and no one promised you a "rose garden" and we all pay for our "sins" of the present and past, one way or another. Stop fighting WHAT IS and DEAL WITH IT, or you will be of no use to the children that need you...In another year or two, as you step out and away from this situation? You will have renewed yourself in OTHER ways that MATTER to your well being...But you must be proactive, no one is going to do it for you.
This is what being an adult, if very often these days, all about...Carrying on in the face of the adversity that has come our way. I had several serious life crisises in my marriage that seemed like the world was truly coming to an end...But I also had faith; kept my positive outlook that it would work out...and invariably, inevitably it did...Oh not the way I planned or wanted...But it all did work out.
-And so it will with you IF, you continue with helping yourself and start the conversation about the future and do it NOW.
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