I moved in to a two bedroom apartment with my roommate on September 17th, 2013. When moving in, she charged me $360 for first month, and $460 for last month. My roommate never informed me of how much the rent for the entire apartment was, how much she was paying, or of a lease agreement. She also never informed me of a hydro deposit that we would be paying every month with the hydro. My roommate has a room that is three times the size of mine. It has two closets, and 3 piece bathroom. I assumed, which I shouldn't have done that she was paying more than me. But after asking her, I found out that we were paying exactly half. I asked her to at least pay $30 more, and I also informed her that it came to my attention that I overpaid for first month's rent, because I was only there for 14 days. So I should have paid around $210 for first when calculating rent by days. Is it fair or do I have a right to deduct this amount from the rent for October, plus deducting the $30 that I paid her for last month's rent of $460, since I should now be paying $430, since she has the bigger room?
I am a student and I cannot afford to overpay for days that I haven't lived here, I feel tricked in a way. I am not sure what to do.
Please help.
It is fair, you never agreed to pay a portion of the rent. Your agreement was for a set amount and her expenses are not at all relevant. They are not even any of your business. You have not been tricked. She was upfront, rent is 460 a month, you agreed on that.
It is fair, you never agreed to pay a portion of the rent. Your agreement was for a set amount and her expenses are not at all relevant. They are not even any of your business. You have not been tricked. She was upfront, rent is 460 a month, you agreed on that.
I have questions about a very abnormal trip from 3 different drugs in large doses in short intervals.?

Im 14 years old, let me explain before you judge. I have a rare form of Aspergers Syndrome that causes me to excel greatly in school but lack a great deal of common sense, it causes extreme cases of insomnia(I went 11 days with 0 sleep), I have very short temper (it's caused by a significant increase in the production and distribution of hormones), I also have all the symptoms of ADHD, OCD, and bipolar disorder. It makes me feel like I have to explain every aspect of a situation to make my argument feel valid. Lastly, my over-production of hormones makes me mature much faster than my peers (I'm 6'5 and 285 lbs.) I have parental permission to use Salvia(legal hallucinogen), Cannabis(for sleep and stress relief),and for my condition i need a daily dose of 20 mg of Adderall after breakfast and 10 mg more after lunch every day. I may be 14 but I'm at the top of St. John Vianney Private High School's Graduating Class of 2013. I have received multiple academic scholarships along with athletic scholarships. I have a set of twin siblings boy/girl(18yo). We are all going to the same college. First I'll be in Germany for year to work on two credits I need for my Bachelors degree in Anesthesiology and they are just gonna take a year break from school. I took my ACT in the sixth grade (I was 11 years old) and I got a 36. Then freshman year I took the SAT so i could get into my favorite school, Stanford. I got a 2,400. I am clearly smart enough to be safe with drug consumption. But to add another factor to the reasoning of this explanation, I work two part time jobs (movie theater teller and cashier at a family fun center) and a third job throughout the summer (last year it was a cashier at a Dicks Sporting Goods) I just started searching for summer jobs again (trying for a server at steak and shake :D). During the school year, on the 2 days every week that I don't work, me and my 12 year old brother shovel snow from driveways or do yard work to get some spare cash. I live alone with my 12 year old brother in the guest house (3 story, 4 bedroom). I pay my mom 750$ a month for rent. I pay my iPhone bill. And I pay a third of water, gas, trash, and electric bill. I do all maintenance around both houses because my dads gone. I had to step up and be the man in my house before I was even a teenager. I'm clearly reponsible enough to handle drugs because clearly I'm more responsible than the average adult.
I have a story to go with my questions. I just got prescribed to Adderall. I used it illegally for about 2 years when I was 8 and 9. My average dosage was 40 mg three days a week (Fri,Sat,Sun) I couldn't grow a tolerance so i used weed to sleep so I wouldn't have to deal with the comedown. I became dependent on the mix. It helped get through the day coherently and still get to bed. I quit adderall because I told myself I would never depend on drugs. I took my regular dosage for the first time yesterday and felt very focused all day. My mom scheduled me a dentists appointment so my big sister drove me their and I had no cavities so I just had to get my teeth polished. It only took like 45 minutes. I said I wanted to stay home she just dropped me off at home. I got really bored so I smoked 3.5 grams of 100x salvia (high tolerance=high dose/potency) Then I smoked some White Widow. I looked at my Adderall bottle. I realized I forgot to take my medicine. My glasses are broken, I'm farsighted so I couldn't count the pills. I got frustrated and swallowed all the pills in my hand. I counted after and found that I consumed 240 mg in one sitting. It's been 15 hrs and I've had no bad effects. I smoked 5 more grams of salvia 80x to relax because I was really scared. I continuously had the feeling that you get when you lay down for hours then quickly stand. Six hours into the trip I had strong, surreal visions for 2 hrs (Most intense feeling of my life. Any trip like that would cause a new user to die from the intensity of the visions. Each time I heard a sound I, saw it go by and the color scheme of the spectrums changed from warm to cool with my emotions. DO NOT TRY UNLESS COMFORTABLE WITH AT LEAST SALVIA 100x or you take acid often and can handle powerful, mind-altering visions.
I am very curious if anyone could explain why my body reacted differently than usual.
I also want to know if you think I should up the dosage to see if I've developed some sort of reaction in the brain between all 3 substances cooperating.(scientific minds always crave experimentation :D)
If so, how much???
Do you think that if i try it again and nothing bad happens again that I should continue use that mix recreationally???
Big thanks for your time and any feedback(: No hate please ;)
Realistically, you need to be talking with your doctor and Pharmacist regarding this. You have so many issues going on, that it would be foolhardy for someone on YA! to give advice, so matter that it was sought out.
I do wish you well in your future endeavors.
Realistically, you need to be talking with your doctor and Pharmacist regarding this. You have so many issues going on, that it would be foolhardy for someone on YA! to give advice, so matter that it was sought out.
I do wish you well in your future endeavors.
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